Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sample Wedding Welcome Letter Wordings

Glee2x06! ! Leisure

hello! I'm more stressed and happy at the same time I saw the chapter
Glee and I almost died is OMG! O_O
the kiss but I could not believe happened, and I must say that I like, too, that the actor who plays Dave acted too well
encerio must congratulate you, that if something is angry and anxious about what happens now, but it seems that there will be some problems with the issue.
I must say also that I think the same as [info] luandachan as to what Blaine, I do not see how the pair of Kurt, he needs someone else rude to say so.
I loved the episode, the only thing I do is look at the next even if no more talk of the issue of bullying.
Something that has bothered me a lot is the comment I read on the FOX website, parents are asked to censor the episode because their little children 6 to 10 years can not see that kind of thing, about the murderer of words but could not because he had to sign ¬ ¬, first, there is a program for children and they should know, if and let see "other" things, then do not complain!!
AH! and pisses me off!
Changing the subject, according to a bird xD, Dave's parents would realize that he is gay and rechasarian as a child or punish him, but I think that is a bit extreme and that "bird" that told me is a bit too much \u0026lt;_ \u0026lt;, I also said this issue will not last more than 3 chapters even that is uncertain.
I just have to wait until Tuesday and pray (xD) because a return to the topic.
greetings and then we read


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