Monday, June 7, 2010

Good Reviews For



Author: " [info] seagull08 "

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin

Spoilers: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Final alternative.

Tenth Chapter XI.

Stories of Eva Luna

Isabel Allende

takes away the strip from the waist, you pull the shoes, were throwing a Rincó n your broad skirt of cotton, and I think we'll release the knot that was holding you hair in a ponytail. You had goose bumps and you laughed, we were so close we could not see, both absorbed in this rite of urgency involved in the heat and the smell that we did together .

I waded in your ways, my hands on your waist and yours reared impatient, you slip, I walked, I climbed with your legs wrapped around me invincible, I see her lips were saying on my own. In the final moment we had a atisbodecompleta solitude, each lost in the burning pit, but soon resucitábamos from the other side of the fire discover each other's arms in the disorder of the cushions under the white fly.

Eleventh delivery.

Chapter Eleven

life went slowly in the Battlestar Galactica. There was not much to do on that ship. Engineers and soldiers worked at an alarming rate in the Galactic arrangements. These were already yielding results, however needed the arrival of the ship of revolutionary soldiers for their completion.

Benji gave a tour of the control room, the CIC, that information could rescue looking deaquel place. Agathon, entered the room and greeted Benji. Veníaa apparently do the same.

Michael chatted animatedly with Sharon, loved the little daughter of the Cylon. Michael always liked the world of children. Always felt that her childhood was too short. Hera was fascinated with the young soldier more than anything for their dog to seguíaa everywhere.

is a soldier, has -range And he had said was effective. The Michael Kenig animal accompanied everywhere he went. Do not let him alone.

So after a pleasant chat Michael returned to play and laugh with the child. In it was when Laura arrived at the scene. Sharon was amazed when he saw her enter.

-Madam Speaker. - I heard about his healing Sharon said .-

-Laura, I'm just Laura .-

- I was glad this back -

Laura had decided to leave the room. And felt much better. Stronger. Had gone in the morning with Bill in search of an answer to the command of Adama, who had ordered the soldiers made available by Michael, look for a child who may be hidden. The soldiers had sought radar and scanning to small but it had been found.

- Bill had told Saul, do not think I can be a vision of Laura. There's nobody here. And search the entire ship.

estabaseguro Adama was a vision of Laura, but had not wanted to tell her. A little to lose, Adama wanted to please her in everything, and enjoyed it.

- Okay thanks

.- Bill was looking for Laura.

... ... ... ... ... ... .... New


Dr. Harlan was quoted Laura nursing.

- Well Madam President you evolve in the best shape. Has recovered enough. He has gained weight, the more fed. Much mejor.No is no evidence of cancer. Nor any branch. Their bones and lungs are clean. Also her breasts. I wish all my patients heal well.

- Will I be completely cured? -

- It is healthy, understand that. Start making a normal life. In what might be called normal this ship. You can also start doing some exercise. Nothing too intense just make things smooth .-. .... ". I mean ?.....

"Perfectly ....... ..

Both women stared and laughed. *************************

Fifth day

Laura and Bill were having dinner in your room. For a while, even before they reach young soldiers and saved the ship, or what remained of it, the room was Admiral become the fourth of both. For a long time, she was the companion of Admiral. I no longer president of the Twelve Colonies, not the leader or the wife of Admiral profeta.Solo.

Both maintained a pleasant chat, nothing serious, just trivial things. Bill talked about some stories as a pilot. Laura few things when I was maestra.Para both being together, just talking was wonderful. Bill never forgot that she had a brush with death. Had been very close and in that reality feel about, being with her, hearing her voice was a gift of life. He

did not need anything else.

It was late.

- Bill ......

- hummmm-

"Come to bed said Laura, risueñay naughty.

- This well-

Laura Ely approached then sat on his mouth piernasbesándoloen .- But darling, do not go to sleep, or read-

Bill Adama felt a fire subíaa his head, his body. She has that quality, it starts to get excited with just kissing.

" Laura."

- Honey no longer have to wait. The doctor gave me complete high today. P odem do what we can think of Bill, or what ....., let me force then kisses him again, passionately.

A flash fire that began in the flesh and through your veins seguíaa threatened to consume .....

He smiled and picked her up by placing it at the height of their caderas.Entonces happily took her to the bed. Once there began to kiss her on her neck in his mouth on his face .......

Bill ...... ..... whispered dear Laura ..... 've missed this. I need you ...... Then

besándolale even removed her robe and slides his hand under her back lifting her hips at the same level as him, she replied hugging her legs with his legs.

With proper care and tenderness he presses a kiss to her ear. Start a gentle caress behind her lips along his neck to his shoulder for her breasts, as she begins to get clothes.

.... Why not tell me before he whispers ....... ........

.... It was a surprise .............

the excitation to invade it. A smile is installed on your face and gets covered completely. A heady feeling runs through his veins. Take several deep breaths when Bill took back her hips and guided him towards him.

She feels full of peace and contentment. Bill leaned back and she sat on él.Él kissing his face, his cheek, whispers, you sure you feel good?

He does not forget that the last weeks before the arrival of the ship, she was muydelicada. Badly damaged and had to be transferred to the infirmary. Then he dormíasentado to her bedside care. Just holding her hand.

She opens her green-gray eyes fixed on him. " Mmmm," moans well- it.

He slides his hand to the back of his head and runs his mouth to hers, kissing him gently deeply. She arched against him, pressing her breasts against his chest.

She draws his mouth, look in her eyes, whispering her name. Take her face in his hands, caressing her cheek, caressing her fingers. Just loves it, looks tenderly.

He wraps his arms around her, continuael balancing their bodies together. He closes his eyes and concentrates on the reality of her in his embrace once again.

acelebrarla It felt good again, feel her skin, moving along his being, to be with her again.

A hand slides under her head, strokes his neck and then guides his mouth downward. Pressed to his cheek and hear her soft panting and breathing. Small sighs that rose in his throat, growing in volume and intensity of the moment.

He whispers, her body shuddering and hugging with emotion, and the need to be together again. Only let it go.

Gods, how he loved her ...

his mouth beside his ear, whispered, "Look ."

She notes her eyes. That look is enough to break him, "Come , Laura ."
His gaze is full of uncertainty. She is dying when he whispers his name. It was not easy for this woman so freely handed to him. Nor for him so freely surrender to it.

The slowly rejoins and let her run her hands over her shoulders, kissing her breasts, his hands caressing her nipples, while she moans.

She kisses him on the body fueled with whispers from Ely to say his name. He feels happy small pains will break their fingernails on the chest, feel the shaking of his hips.

"Yes, Laura," he moans and threw her head when she atrásy mounted with a ferocity that was not long ago. I had only glimpsed before the illness. Only in New Caprica had felt it. They felt they were on a very sweet feeling.

Bill .....

The whispers and tells her she is beautiful, then leans back and slowly penetrates her while she moans of pleasure starting to charge. Laura ....... my life, I love you so much.

carefully removed a little drawing a groan from her, before returning to her hard and fast. She breath under their multiple feelings threatened to overwhelm him, even their teeth sink into his shoulder with pain mixed with pleasure to have him in it and know that he loves.

At some point, at some point they are lost and found. Both reach a point where only the lovers make their way.

Bill lies about it. Without moving. Just breathing. She smiles happily and kisses her hair. Then it slides to the side and embraced her. Without speaking. Just feeling. Feeling your body, your skin. Sweaty and happy.

continued ... ..


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