Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bmi For Females In China



Autor :" [info] seagull08 "
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin

Spoilers: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Final alternative.

Twelfth Chapter.

Chapter Twelve

Sixth Day.

Laura, Sharon and Starbuck disputing a card game as fierce. All had good cards and none was willing to budge.
Michael watched

women, watch for signs of Benji whom he explained the game. Michael played other letters and those of the colonists, we were absolutely unknown.

Ellen and Saul talking animatedly and drank at another table.


The place was looking for Laura it was late and wanted to go to sleep, but never do without it. To see him come, I smile.

- Bill see my letters said in a whisper ... I think tonight I will win.

- So seems, .....

"You who whisper ..... That's cheating, Starbuck said laughing.

time they spent in the Galactic space inside had approached these men and women. In recent years, all times were restricted only to survival. Habíaprovocado that they stay away from worldly things. Now, in this reality, which had absolutely nothing to do other things had occurred.

Laughter was one of them. Michael and Benjihabían set the pace. They eran jóvenes y reían con frecuencia. Contaban historias que divertían a todos. Michael jugaba con Hera y sus risotadas eran escuchadas desde lejos. Para Laura escuchar reíra los jóvenes era un bálsamo dulce después de tanta tristeza. Solos, en la maltrecha nave se sentían más relajados. No tenían rumbo aún, solo esperar la llegada de las naves.

La espera había provocado que todos hubiesen recordado algo que tenían olvidado. Los afectos, la alegría, las conversaciones. El compartir entre ellos. Esas mundanas y triviales acciones que distinguen a los humanos.

Michael se los había dicho mientras jugaban cartas y él observaba para aprender......

- Ya es hora de que se den un tiempo para ustedes, descansen, duerman. Se han pasado todo este tiempo sobreviviendo. Piensen en ustedes, recuerden que están vivos.

Esas simples palabras habían calado hondo en cada uno de ellos.


Laura y Bill algunas veces invitaban a cenar y a desayunar a los jóvenes soldados. Laura los adoraba. Sobre todo a Michael a quien consideraba un joven educado y too intellectual. However this does not detract from spontaneous and joyful.

Saul had grown fond of Benjamin. Had invited him to dinner several times with Ellen laughed and remembered the days on Caprica. A Benjamin was not bothered by the fact that they were Cylons. In the depths of his soul, knew they were part of those who had almost exterminated the race, but enjoyed the old colonel and his crazy wife.

The young soldiers destined hour turn to work with engineers in the Galactic system breaks. For now, that was the priority. Decoding technology in the shortest possible time to be at his disposal.

So the hours passed the survivors of the Battlestar Galactica. **********************************************


dined and shared in a quiet, normal night. They talked of trivialities and the future that they could now build together. At times while laughing, kissing or intertwined their manos.Luego Laura went to BATHING thereafter to the bedroom while Bill picked up the dishes and turned off the lights.

She was already in bed when he undressed and went into it, embracing it. They stayed a few minutes and, in silence, just listening to two breaths and the sound of the ship. Laura then turned, put his arms entwined around his neck, looked into his smiling eyes and kissed him. Slowly at first and then deeper. He was already excited. She could feel his lips as he slid down his neck and his hands touched her deeply.

She wanted this. Since Dr. Harlan had been discharged and was the force that provides health, had been making love every day. At first they were left in the camaalternando sleeping and making love. Only had risen to the bathroom, eat or take a shower. Then continued the ritual of love, passion or tenderness. Sleeping Arato, embraced to raise wrapped kissing the other.

Although healthy, but still fragile and in recovery, Bill was careful not to be rude to make love to her, but was totally passionate. Always wondered if it felt good after finishing, when peace came to them. Since she was healed and recovered fuerzasla joy pervaded his life. All other actions performed daily seemed smaller but no less important. But she was the center of his life.

knew that could only continue in this room and in his ship for a while. And esoera a complement to the happiness of knowing that she was with him vidajunto.

not minimizing any action. I was sure that once reaching the fleet would marry her. Would not even wait to get to the planet where they were. I would as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow.

He was lost in these thoughts, wrapped in a maelstrom of fire as he kissed her all over his body, sliding his hands on hundreds of passionate caresses while sitting on the wealthy to the indenter, while she moaned with pleasure. Embraced

she on him, kissing his face as he stroked her back, Laura was an infinite pleasure that made her moan when he moved into it. I wanted to feel good. I wanted to let this feeling completely invaded. Sometimes in the middle of the act, she wept with joy as he reached the highest point of pleasure.

Like now, he moved passionately kissing her neck and holding her more strength and energy while whispering in ear.

- Laura not leave me again, do not go my love, never listen to me -

Laura listened without being able to answer, with emotion and infinite tenderness.

She felt like he was hugging each time with more passion, and their caresses became more profound. He began to whisper as she kissed her head and neck bajabasus ... lips again - Laura, Laura you are mine. You understand, I understand love mine, are mine. Only me. know.

Laura wanted to mourn not so beautiful words whispered in her ear so here. I know my love, I am yours and you are mine ....

Laura also lost to the waves of pleasure that he received throughout his body and through her pussy listened as he begged not to leave him, it was his that he loved her more than his life, he could not go through that pain again. What would die without it, it was everything to him, as he held and kissed with a passion so painful that he began to leave marks on her neck and arms. Laura

dimensioned for the first time the pain and sadness that existed within it. The grief and anger that had to remain on life without her. Because he never said. Siempreguardó silence. Hid an intimate and deep pain. That desesperaciónque now was present and that almost bordered on madness.

Amid passion Laura recalled the day that he had determined to keep it. He recalled when he discussed his plan to fight Cavil and crashing his ship to destroy it.

- You're not serious? -

- I've never been more serious "said a wistful look.

- This is crazy and not permitiré.-Bill should take our people to a planet habitable. Build a future. You must live.

- He looked at her sadly. - What for?

- As for that? It is your duty. As a soldier and a human being. Baby you have a chance -

"No," he said briskly for 4 years we have delivered all our work with these people. We live and fight for them. All your strength and work has been dedicated to them. I have trained military personnel may remain in this search. Lee will take over as President. My only duty is to you, because there is nothing that interests me and because I love you more than anything in the vida.Si you go, I go with you. If Cavil had not appeared, it may be, but this changes things. Someone should finish this story and like it or not Laura, I end here .-

Laura looked as tears streamed down her eyes. He could not speak. Would not talk. Wanted this nightmare ended. Bill did not want his life ended well but understood his strong determination. Something in his heart sensed this final

- Bill ... .. whispered.

"Not Laura .... This was already decided. I'll do well.

She looked at him a moment before speaking . - Bill ... .. I can not make you change your mind, right?


-truth under any circumstances. "Not for your son, or for your future grandchildren, who are sure to come?

He bit his lip


" Well. You know, I will not insist, I'll stay with you, you know truth

He kissed her hand. - I know, "he said as he watched with infinite sorrow. -

- I love you Laura Roslin.

"And I love you, you, Bill Adama. - Come here , "she said as she moved slowly, inviting him to bed.

He took off his jacket and boots and went to bed hugging and kissing her on the head and neck.

"My life without you is not Laura. We'll go to another world, together. whispered in her ear, as he continued kissing her.

She painstakingly being turned against him.

- This well. On another world or another life together my love -. kissing him tenderly on the lips settling into his arms .-

now making love as intense as her heart was pounding with passion but also for the memories that painful conversation. Now I could understand the pain of it when she died.

He shouted her name when finished and poured inside. She does not even utter a word, just moaning pleasure. Hugging and kissing her hair while he remained on it.

so embraced the dream began to arrive.

continued ... ...


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