Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Can Ectopic Pregnancies Cause Groin Pain?


Notes from a filmmaker

"Education is the best vaccine against violence."

still think that women are less than men, and it hurts. But I am here to tell you they are not. And I'm here to say I'm proud of it. And I'm proud to be understood as I understand things, and I learned the hard way.

Everyone still thinks that there is a Caucasian, one Asian race, an African race, an indigenous race. Let me tell you that there is only one race, and human.

I was able to choose to be sad or happy. I chose to be happy. I come from a dysfunctional family. I am part of an ethnic minority. I have no natural talent, but I managed to reach my goal. And if I could do it, anyone can. There is no room for excuses. We

all world cultures under one banner, yet we let it slip through your fingers. We must begin by reforming our education system. Education is the best vaccine against violence.

How do we intend that children of color gain a sense of self-esteem and self-respect if we teach a History always Eurocentrism? And yet nothing is done to alleviate it.

The most important thing I learned is: to do the things you want, even when one does not want.

We have relegated the art of the little finger of your left foot. I need it greatly, but I need more spine. And it is that art is the backbone. Without art we would have nothing. Why talk about artifacts, but such devices would not know anything.

One day I was following my brother, who was crossing First Street. I was scared half way and turn around almost ran me over. But when I came back I saw my sister following me. I held her hand and turned away. From then on I knew my little sister saw me as a model. Since then I always watching to make sure I did not get into trouble. He had understood that it was an example for her.

We need to say no to fame and fortune before you know it, to say no again at maturity. Otherwise you will not have the strength or courage. The intent must be pure.

While English is the language of global business, children from around the world learn to speak three or four different languages. If you only speak English, their children estarĂ¡na behind.

I have no skills or natural talent. My mother gave birth a un niño que iba recitando a Shakespeare con acento español. Les digo esto porque veo que todavía nos cuesta entender que lo único que nos hace semejantes es que todos somos diferentes. El racismo es muy duro. Es una pauta de comportamiento adquirida, al igual que la violencia.

La educación es la clave (para superar los prejuicios), y nuestro sistema educativo muestra tremendas lagunas a lo largo y ancho del país porque la gente está dispuesta a pagar mucho más a alguién como yo que a un profesor. Ninguna profesión debería ser más retribuida que la de profesor.

For those with gaps in English, some advice: laugh when he does next door ...

Yes there was conquest. Yes that was done by force and not by love. American history has been forged on a foundation of violence, but today it dominates us is love. In this country more than any other, we all live.

still think that women are less than men, and it hurts. But I am here to tell you they are not. And I'm here to say I'm proud of it. And I'm proud de haber entendido las cosas como las entiendo, y las aprendí por las malas.

Cada persona aquí presente... sigue pensando que hay una raza caucásica, una raza asiática, una raza africana, una raza indígena. Pues déjenme decirles que no deberían de haberme invitado si no queríais escuchar esto: sólo hay una raza, y es la raza humana.



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