Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Does Itunes Have Promos



Author: " [info] seagull08 "

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin Spoilers

: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Alternate ending : Seventh Chapter



Laura moved in bed. She felt a little dizzy and I knew needed to get up and make your way to the bathroom. Had lost the habit of eating. Even before being admitted to nursing and being fed through tubes, she ate very little. Now that his stomach was hard to get used to food again.

carefully so as not to wake him, Laura broke away Bill's arm and sat back on his chest, covering it with a marker. While slowly recovering health, strength and still had little tired quickly.

When treatments kept always made frequent trips from the bed to the bathroom. She from the first time they slept together in the room of Bill, had sleep request to the outside of the bed to comfort them, assuming he would not wake up.

She walked quickly. He closed the small door and pulled the switch. The light filled space. When finished, he stood before the mirror. Laura looked at that image was painful. To weeks or months that are not observed in detail in a mirror as he was doing now. The face that was watching the stunned and depressed. It seemed more dead than alive. He had lost so much weight that her bones were spoken on your skin. His eyes had dark circles and were sunken and his head was kept completely bald. While wearing the wig, it served to hide the hair loss to others, but also was a reminder of the continuing deterioration of his body.

Laura had never given much thought to herself, but before cancer had been what some might consider quite beautiful. Bill even called her so many times, but still insisted, Laura knew she was blind love for her.

How had lost its former shape. As he had lost the sparkle in your eyes, pink cheeks, the fullness of her lips. He felt his body had been stripped of every drop of diloxin at first and later cancer. Just now I saw a little twinkle in his eye, very slight in any case.

raised his hand to his head. He missed over all things hair. Before using the drug, Laura's hair had been nice, long, red, sometimes I could feel the soft curls kissing your skin.

felt so ugly now.

Laura was healthy, but still felt horrible, no grace as a woman. Grateful for being alive, I knew that from now on accompany her health, but did not understand how Bill could kiss her, touch her or even more, wanting it. Want this body, so thin with so many bones, no forms.

With these thoughts, reminders of the ordeal and suffering she had lived months ago by cancer drug treatment, collapsed in tears and slid his back against the wall sitting on the floor.

For several minutes, she was still the same, until he heard the bathroom door open. Laura tried to choke back tears, but it was too late, it was Bill. Why have to be so careful? Without fail, every night, every time you get out of bed, when he still had the disease as soon as I discovered that she is in the bathroom, gets up and tried to make sure he was alright.

is useless now, Bill was already beside her, taking her in his arms.

How long has it been since they share? . Since they were just friends. At one time, without knowing both through the years had had lives with others, but none of these relationships compared to what they now share.

And now had another chance. Was alive. Bill once told him he could not live without it. Seemed cliché, but it was true. Now they had a chance. A new opportunity to continue together. On those occasions

Laura thought she was lucky. She was who would die first and not have to live the bear to be without it. They fell

tears down the cheeks of Laura.

- Laura, please do not cry, do you?, Do you feel bad ?........

No, I just feel like I look, horrible, no longer look like a real woman. Without hair, extremely thin, dull the skin or eyes, and still can not love me ......

"Laura," he said, taking his arms, never, ever say that, you know, never again. You, you're my life. Without you I'm lost, I am nothing, I'm just the shell of a man. I do not understand anything .... he said, holding her despair as tears fell from his eyes.

Unable to hold Laura began to sob also, hugging him, both standing in the bathroom, feeling the hard life they had been presented in recent months was still present, as a reminder of sadness before.

Laura put her head on his chest, then put his face and pressed his lips to it. Then separated and spoke in a whisper about the only words that came to her. "Sorry, I made up ..."

- Never mind my love, "I love you," Laura

heard these words, remembering that if any in recent months with increasing frequency. But he had seemed increasingly inadequate. It was impossible to articulate the depth of his love.

-I love you too much, "was his response to the statement." Let me love, come, "said Bill, turning them
bed still crying, clung to him desperately, as if in fear of having to wake up and understand that this could be just a dream.

************************************ ***********************************

Six Hours after

She awoke from his dream . Whenever I slept, woke up several because of the severe pain, however, in these last hours sleeping, did not have any of those feelings. After his sad and distressing scene in the bathroom Laura felt calm. Now I understood that he could have a future, that future could now really, build it with the man she loved and who loved her. I felt that once again returned to play a role in this twisted tale.

of today could come back to fight and eventually lead his people, this time to a planet provided by another race, another civilization. Perhaps Elosha was right when he told someone he loves. Perhaps that was the point of salvation, the door was open for these young soldiers arrived to help. He looked at Bill who was sleeping beside her, then slowly and almost stood motionless.

He went to the bathroom and when he left he felt a faint knock on the door. Put on his robe, covered his head with a handkerchief and walked to open the meeting up with the soldier who had nursing care until recently. "Madam President

bring you dinner," said the smiling young man .-

The soldier remembered as the young soldier Jaffe, who had given his life for Bill, in the attempt of revolution that had taken place
Zarek and Gaeta Madame
soldier introduced him to Queen is the head chef of the soldiers who arrived and is here to talk to you. "Madam President

goodnight said the soldier, saluting military, Dr. Harlan asked me specifically nutrition. I have brought simple but nutritious food, what do you think?

Laura appreciated the gesture.

- I brought some things if to prove. You must eat very measured to be re your body accustomed to food and nutrient-

Laura sat as the two men put a tray on the table.

Laura could not believe the variety of scents and colors were displayed on the table. Already

It was night and the food was served in the dining room of the Admiral and the President, the room for both.

Laura talked pleasantly with the cook of the other vehicle, who was explaining about the merits of providing varied and healthy food. For someone who was recovering from a serious illness. I could not believe how many flavors. After all this time feeding on algae, all the food seemed a blessing from the gods.

Bill in the room woke up and stretched his arm to feel a void in the bed. Quickly joined ........ Laura said ......

Even with traces of sleep in the face, Bill heard Laura was talking to someone in the room. He returned to bed and put on the gown. He went to the table and found Laura chatting pleasantly with a soldier who stood at attention when Bill arrived at the scene. You

Queen presented the soldier. He is an excellent chef.

"Good evening, Admiral .-

" Good Night .-

- Well I'm already retired. I leave then dinner, enjoy it. Remember that day I will send something in line with their health. Admiral, Madam President .- The soldier saluted and neglect the two rooms.

Bill looked at his watch. I could not believe it. It had been 12 hours. He had slept 12 hours followed. This does not happen a long time in the last four years, just close your eyes had been five or six hours. Bill Adama felt relaxed and happy. Is that Laura was at his side.

How do you feel?

-rested, happy, hungry, said.

He approached her, kissing her forehead. "Come on, baby

said, sit with me to dinner, come with me. Happy

Bill sat beside her. Dined lively, cheerful, with a very different mood that had taken hours earlier. They talked about what happened in the last hours. The arrival of the young soldiers, ship, fleet had leaping for days. They were alive, the arrival of Columbus. Meet them and talk with Laura. The secrets and questions of the Oracles. Everything was so vague. Bill told Laura about the soldiers who were clones and how they were acquired by the revolutionaries.

Each one point he took her hand and kissed it. It was instinctive. Laura smiled and stroked her face. Cavil now dead and the truce with the Cylons, the two leaders felt that humanity had a future. Laura said that with this new civilization opened endless possibilities for new trips and new partnerships.

"They do not want an alliance, Laura. We made a deal. They will lead us to a planet habitable. But we should not meddle in the war.

Why not want a partnership? "Because

are at war. In the midst of a civil war. Laura I make a decision. Even here, where we are, no connection to the fleet, I will not risk it to join a war. We had ours and our people are already tired, bored and desperate. Now we have a chance. We can not reach their universe because we do apart. You heard his lieutenant and his admiral. That path is not valid. If we have a chance, if we have a home, we go down to the planet that we offer. We have no choice .- Laura

observes thoughtfully. In the midst of the universe. Among new civilizations, in the midst of a war. Bill was right. They could make another choice. We had to go to the planet and from that point to start building a new civilization.

"You're right Bill, now then, go to bed

- To sleep? , Just woke up, if you want you could read a little -

"You should do other things ... Laura said mischievously.

"No," Bill, You must rest, the doctor was emphatic that there's time for "I swear, Laura.

-Laura smiled. ----- If it's true I'm a little tired - So is it true that I am right?

Sure, I saw your tests and examinations - are fine. RECOVERING, weak but good.

"Let's read for a while then," Long time no-

***************************** Adama

awoke at dawn. It was still early to rise. It felt strangely good, as he had not felt in recent weeks. Or in recent years. Looked at the woman who was sleeping peacefully beside him. A smile filled his face.

Adama tenderly watched, whether it was beautiful, so beautiful. And beside him in bed, one hand on his chest and his lips touching her shoulder, asleep. I did not understand how she could be horrible, his words had hurt him more, that she tell them.

felt a lump in my throat. Her happiness was great to feel that she was fine. I noticed when you lay down beside him in bed in the morning and I could notice now. And until recently saw that his life was extinguished, was now reborn. No matter how, just came back.

Adama was not a religious man. But since Laura had broken into her life, everything had changed in him. Sometimes at night while sleeping hugging her begging had been found the gods for a miracle. One more day of your company. In a move that could change your life and remove this cancer from your body. And every night was like she was losing the fight. And as his health was hopelessly deteriorating and away from him.

Now that had changed. No matter whom you should thank if the young warriors who had come to his house if some miracle, if life, Gods. Bill Adama was not all that important. She was alive. And he was with her.



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