Monday, May 31, 2010

Watch Movies Español

Whatever they Say

Whatever They Say

Girl, please do not listen to what they say
They can not us together, Come and listen to me

My baby, you're my only luck
Out of all those people, you and I are very similar
But everyone wants us to finish our love
But this is true, they do not believe in destiny

No matter what they say, do not listen
What happens is that they are envious of us
just hope, that you believe in whatever I say
I do not care what they say, I love you
I can not lose, that would be very difficult

Baby, I do not know
say I can only tell you you're the one who make my heart never change
People only want to engage with the world
If they do miss me, I would go against the world

No matter what they say , not listen
What happens is that they are envious of us
just hope, that you believe in whatever I say
I do not care what they say, I love you
I can not lose, that would very

would just like to leave you, if that were the best for you
But love, and trust that you show me gives me the courage

No matter what they say, do not listen
What happens is that they are envious of us
just hope, that you believe in whatever I say
I do not care what they say, I love you
I can not lose, that would be very difficult

not matter what they say, do not listen
What happens is that they are envious of us
They and us are different so they can not understand
I do not care what they follow, I love you

I can not lose
My little baby, you're my only luck

Credits: Vero_aYm

Friday, May 28, 2010

How To Get Blacklight Ink Out Of Clothes




Author: " [info] seagull08 "
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica Pairing

: Adama / Roslin

Spoilers: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Final alternative.

tenth chapter.

Visions ...

After staying with their ancestors as he said, on this planet, D "Anna waited resigned to death. However, the seventh day of their stay was a landing craft. It did not seem colonial, did not carry any flag or insignia known. From it emerged soldiers who approached.

So that Cylon, and resigned to die alone, began a new journey.


Laura lay in bed with too many thoughts and feelings in the head. I had heard the story of this young man and was excited and thrilled. He was tired but hopeful at the statement made by Benjamin Patterson.

His people, those who had followed with faith had been deceived, for her, for the prophecies. He recalled the moments after the discovery of this planet. The anger and anguish. Pain. The pain he had caused to Bill when he left treatment. Could understand to some extent the suicides of people, the days after that discovery. And its closure in itself. His confinement.

could accept that there was now new hope for the remainder of humanity, embodied in these two young people who until recently had dinner with her.


Bill left the lay beside Laura. He raised his arm and pulled her towards him. He began to kiss her head. Laura took Bill's hand and laced his fingers with it. She felt safe in his arms. In all these days after the ship arrived young people and their subsequent recovery had not left the room. I did not want another reality other than the present, be well, healthy , alive, clinging to his admiral, Bill.

Neither said anything to them the words left over with everything said by youth. Now they had plenty to think about, now had a new opportunity.

Bill turned to kiss her lips and realized that Laura was sleeping, I smile, she was still weak and the dream came to her quickly.

turned off the lamp and put his chin on Laura's head, hugging her and sleep.

Laura awoke. Heard some noise from the ship, which volvíaa making sounds with the engineers working in it. Also felt in Bill's snoring in his neck. I was tired but happy to wake up without pain, like all the past months.

wanted to move a little but sintióel hug Bill. When he tried to lift his leg and spinning, he felt the pull it toward you. He smiled and felt the warmth of her body. She has always been of low temperature and with decreased body temperature cancer más.Pero yet he was to deliver the warmth she felt love emanating from the body. Then

stronger as he turned around again to hug and kiss her neck asleep. He always does that. Kisses asleep in various parts of the body. She smiles, she thinks that death would be. Being alone and not feel her kisses, then starts stroking her hair.

Laura never allowed any of her lovers ella.Siempre valued at dawn to end their freedom, their independence. But that was long ago, in another life. Bill changed all that. And did not care that filled all spaces. He felt that if he does not sleep hugging is like not breathing. Knows that if not, then you can not sleep. A life out of it, impossible.

Sonríey looks. Only you my love, she whispers.

Slowly and with the soothing sound of her respiraciónlentamente goes back to sleep.

*********************************************** *******

"He was a child .-

Laura awoke suddenly and sat up in bed, crying ... - a child -...

Bill woke up and asked as he held - Laura, what happens, okay? -

Laura leaned back in his chest. - Bill, was a child .-

What child? , What are you talking?

- in the battle. Before the coming of the young. I was in nursing. Was supposed to be the final battle. Remember? -


- Tonight was waiting. When I saw a little. A 10 or 12 years. In front of me. I could not move much. I asked him who he was and that over here .-

- A child?

"She said her name was Josie Yoshi or something like that. Then he came to me and not remember anything else .- Laura sat up suddenly in bed.

- Bill to find it. -

- Laura there are no anyone else, other than we are on this ship. No one was left in her. And unless a child of that age .-

- And if he was hiding .-

"Honey, what would a child here in these circumstances? Why do not we have seen. ?

do not know ... Bill but it is very rare. I fell asleep and did not remember until today, but why that child was there? addition ..... It seems familiar ... as if in a moment I had known ...

"Okay. Tomorrow we will look. I promise. Now you must sleep. We sleep .-

- but tomorrow we will pick-

-Promised. Rest now love .-

Laura leaned back in Bill's arm and clung to him. Trying to sleep.

Bill kissed her forehead and again put her chin on her head.

- must sleep -.... he whispered.

- I love you Bill -.......

-I love you too, Laura ......

continued ...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bmi For Females In Another Country Answer

Chapter X

Author: " [info] seagull08 "

Fandom: Battlestar
Galactica Pairing
: Adama / Roslin Spoilers

: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Alternate ending .



Michael Kenig, Benjamin Patterson, Saul Tigh, William Adama and Laura Roslin were reunidosen the dinner table . Bill had been invited at the last minute to accompany Saul when he had met with him in the CIC. The conversation was long and the young soldiers, had been told You change stories of battles that had touched participate.

Laura, Adama and Tigh were listening attentively. Both young men had traveled more than two of them in the past. Had participated in bloody battles, and here they were, living like them. Only these youth were between 19 and 20 and continued in a long life guerra.Una battles lay ahead. Michael Kenig

radiated a strange magnetism. Something made everyone shut up when he began a story. There traveled a lot and it showed very well that dominated the military arts. Adama was intrigued and surprised by the young. Until now it had seemed very alert an officer, but now realized that this young man had a much deeper story to tell.

- This is how we ended up here, fighting in this bloody civil war, Madam President .

- Laura. Laura can tell me "Now I have no such charge.

- And now who is the President of the Twelve Colonies?, "If that position exists?, asked Benji.

Lee. Lee Adama. Bill's son, Saul said.

Go ..... How interesting ..... said Benjamin.

"The truth is that you have an interesting history. And I am not only referring to the war with the Cylons. If not anything else they have told us. Prophecy. The search for Tierra.La city, that they wanted to found New Caprica. The Cylons, and in addition to that, Madam President your illness.

by Laura ... please ...

Michael smile ... - Okay .....

- That story of the prophecies is the strangest thing I've heard in my life . Benji said. "Who can believe that God speaks and who had written the fate of people?

-Benji .......

- was an idea and was fueled by visions ... Laura said, a little sad.

. - A really stupid.

-Benji, said Michael ..... now stronger

Laura looked at Bill, who noticed the young man a little annoying.

- Tell me, Madam President. Who determined that there were gods of Kobol? That was just a provision of the reli of those who believe in that religion. And who told you Madam President that could lead to a race to find a planet allegedly believing that he had mystical visions been chosen to carry an entire people to this earth?.

Benji ....... Michael cry .... Basta.

Adama made a move to get up, but was stopped by Laura.

-Lieutenant ..... Do not know what would those visions. I do not know what would be our fate ... But something has made us alive when millions of people perished in a few seconds. What on Earth was a mythology in the beginning, a hope, something to motivate people and that was the reason many of them continued life. Call faith, call it hope, but it was a reason. And that little reason has brought us here. This part of the universe, we did not know and had no idea existed. And we were surprised to find new breeds that carry the same problems we leave behind. A further war and civil war.

A silence fell on the table that was broken only by the laughter of Benji.

All except Michael Benji looked at as a madman, when he let such a laugh.

- We Benji dilo and, said Michael ...

- long is this ship Admiral ? -

- What? -

"long is the ship?

looked Adama and Tigh.

- I believe that measures about a mile long, and nearly one in manga ... ... right? This above all, it was one of the old. The new made them slightly larger, more capable, right ?

Adama Tigh looked at again. How does this guy know that. ?

- My father continued Benji, was one of the greatest admirals. He was recognized as one of the best and won several medals for valor. He had reached the highest post in the Admiralty and directed one of the most modern and fast ships that were construidas. "You must have known that ship Almirante, El Excelsior .

Adama and Tigh turned to look but said nothing. Laura watched this dialogue.

- Admiral Richard Patterson, is talking about it Saul said. - Demons said Saul why I looked familiar, but if you like him boy. Benji

just smiled ......

- My father and my entire family was Capricana. Colonies. I'm basically a survivor of that war. Like you said in a sullen Benji.

So far none of those present at the table had sized him he was talking.

- Gods, I can not believe this .... Can not be true Exclaimed Laura.

- course yes, or believed that only you had survived?

- why you're such a good soldier truth, the old Patterson was a living legend .

Adama could not believe my ears. Thought I had heard all the unimaginable things in recent years, but what this young man had confided, had measured. Michael Kenig

just smiled.

wanted to ask all the time to ask questions. Benji smiling I watched the people.

- Easy, easy, history is a bit long .-

- Damn boy, we all listen nochepara said Saul

********* **

- My full name is Benjamin Patterson. For me it all goes back four years ago when he traveled back to the Academy after visiting my parents. My five brothers, all soldiers also were serving in other ships.

"My father was a soldier and take back. Enjoy and enjoyed be a soldier. When their children were integrated into the military life was an absolute pride. Not expressed, but we knew that this was .-

"As I said, that fateful day I volvíaa academia. Then all hell broke loose. Do you need to remember? How much?, In a couple of hours lost civilization .-

All except for Michael, remembered that day at that table.

- saw from the ship and other ships were destroyed and with it our civilization. All our civilization .-

Sylver "Captain, captain of the ship where I was traveling, fled the horror. I was petrified. -

"That day not only lost my world, but my whole family tambiéna

.- Laura's eyes welled with tears. Bill took her hand and kissed and then wrung from his.

- A break us out of there. We went away for the massacre. Soon joined to us several other ships, all small and all civilians. Soon we recorded about 10 .-

- Only 10 ships with about 250 people. Sylver Captain waited and 12 hours after sending a small spacecraft to explore. With that just reaffirmed what we already knew. We lost this war .- Suddenly we were in the vastness of space, alone .-

- I wanted to return to fight, he needed to do that, but we had nothing. Only a few weapons, ships and anything else .-

- Then the captain decided we had to get out of that quadrant. If we stayed we captured and we destroy the Cylons. .-

-When we were far enough, something amazing happens to us. The best we found a Colonial Battlestar, a tripulacióny soldiers who were going to help and protect ... We feel safe and happy, unaware that this was going to be hell for us.

-Cain said Laura.

"Exactly, that damn crazy.

- The Admiral Cain sent troops to what we thought was helpful and it was later discovered to annihilate. His men took away the few provisions, weapons and all that was of value owned.

- At first people on the ships resisted, but she ordered to shoot any who opposed .-. That crazy left us in the universe "No arms, alone and with about fifty people dead.

-Sylver Capital I hid in a cargo compartment because it sent for and arrest all those who were military. Remained hidden to me because I was going to give up that crazy. I agreed and vowed that someday, I would kill my hands-

-Laura looked this young, almost children but tough as an old man, with penalties and scars of an old man. As a soldier after many battles. She could never forgive so many people had died. But he understood that was crazy. She was the one who caused the pain and horror in many beings. And Bill and she had already had their particular war with that woman.

Bill Adama also looked at the young colonial soldier. I would have liked to have had under him this boy. Have done amazing things. It seemed that it had a pasióny a love of military life that he had only seen a few things. Yes, he recalled that he had met his father. He remembered well the Admiral Patterson. He had taught at the academy of war, when he was not yet 20. And that Patterson was only 5 years older than him. He had always been considered a genius.

- D "ana said that Cain was killed by a Cylon and that ship was lost. That hurt, because I was waiting for my moment of revenge.

"And you two, how did you meet? How did being in the army Mr. Patterson? Adama said .-

- Sylver Capital Cain heard my appreciation. I sensed that nothing good would come out of it. That would be after the jump systems, querecomendé so that these ships travel to an area away from us. Therefore we kept them hidden. After Cain left us, he contacted the captain of the fleet and move people to those ships, which were also larger. Then jump very far from that. Once in space had to fix things. I was the only military that existed throughout this small fleet. No, I had more range, but was a military .-

Sylver "Major said by my military thinking I should intuicióny command the fleet. I had more experience and I did see peroél said. I had no choice then I started doing it. With only 17 Sylver nombróComandante me of all ships.

- Incredible - Tigh said.

- Dementia. Is that everything went crazy after the Holocaust. With only 17 years by a fleet teníaa, civil Pequena, but floats at last. After some changes due to certain sectors look that I knew existed. My father had notes of his travels. My brother, who was a scientist and was always in the advanced exploration in addition to being military had developed a design with graphics and maps of universes, near and far that according é , l, there .-

"I had his travel blog with maps, so I made a move. Since we had nothing to lose, so they would jump at those coordinates Hit me .-- So this side of the universe .-


Gradually we recopilando cosas. Found water on a planet in another, animals and things to eat, some fuel minerals. -

"When the ships were already damaged and already falling apart, like this, and I saw our purpose as an eminent, we find a planet. It was the best. He had a peculiar civilization living on it .-

-Solo cheats, rogue, fugitives, smugglers and pirates said Michael.

- Silverion was barren but had beautiful places. A benign sun and moon night. We stayed in it. I was of the idea to continue traveling, but nobody else agreed, were tired, bored .-

"So we settled there. Unarmed ships and parts sold to our neighbors .

- Some children were born, formed families, typical .-

"At that point it was when despite everything available I felt that something was missing, I bored in the world .-

-Military life Adama said


- Exactly.

- know a substance soldier like you, Mr. Patterson. Also if you have the genes of his father, I can see why he was bored Adama said.

"Two years ago a strange craft landed on the planet. Strange, because it lacked a military ID but you could tell he was military. It traveled several people. Especially carrying a soldier showed me a new form of struggle, other ideals, a future that I could get out of that place, but above all, new to look of life. I had nothing to lose and not to win but missed the military. Then I joined his crusade. That admiral has a son who became my friend. With him was when we reported that soldiers had found a woman on a desolate planet that was not human. She gave me the other part of the historiaque I knew ...

- thus becomes a revolutionary soldier and not one of the 12 tribes of Kobol -

When Benjamin Patterson finished her story all of that table were silent. Each of them went over in their minds the details of the story of Benji and his own life story in the last 5 years. All of them (except for Michael) had left behind their lives and had turned to go looking for a planet called Earth that had been the great disappointment of their lives.

- Do not feel bad for the planet and come to believe it was the Earth said Michael .- A great many travelers it's happened. This planet is a rreplicante.Se is under the same axes and coordinates another planet similar to what you call Earth and seen from some ángulosse proyecta.Es as a mirror ...-

- was a big pain decepcióny Lieutenant Kenig, you will not imagine how-

"I can imagine if it's like I told D "Anna-

- happened to her? , Saul asked.

- you okay. Embarked on a revolutionary delejército ships. .

looked both young Adama after he finished his history.

- you a hero Mr. Patterson. I achieved more without arms or officers. He led his people to a planet, were given a new lease on life .-

"Do not say that Admiral. I did not have to fight a Cylon fleet every moment, making sure that people do not perish in those battles. I never had so many civilians to me. We were few. Also no surprise I found that I had infiltrated almost human Cylons in the fleet. No. .. Was easier for me .-

"But you gave precise jumps

.-" Because

available secret information and encrypted Admiral, you do not ...

-Solo Mr. Patterson was 16 -

Admiral And good luck, good luck .-

Bill Adama, the famous admiral. The last of the Colonial fleet. Who had been near death a few days ago got up and walked to the young Benjamin Patterson who also rose from his seat. Then came the young lieutenant and hug him tightly. A hug military, but also man to man.

Everyone in this table is moved and tears ran down her cheeks. Continue .......

Friday, May 21, 2010

Music Used On Top Gear Mountains

Battlestar Galactica: the zarzuela

I found this crack on the youtube vid gossiping and had to share, BSG to the rhythm of zarzuela with some pretty good points, or so it has seemed to me, to see what you think ^ ^

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Filmes Incesto Gratis

Hanasaki @ 2010-05-19T20: 56:00

If you could love me a little more ... I'm sure things would be different.

Monday, May 17, 2010

How To Add Cheats Gba Amulator


Table of chapters and publication dates of the cut, A NEW BEGINNING

Author: " [info] seagull08 "

For those / you asked me to do a summary table of the chapters of the fic, a new beginning, here goes. I hope with this the command to continue the saga. :

Chapter 1 A New Beginning. February 6 Meeting
Chapter 2.
February 9 Chapter 3 The Oracles of Patmos
April 7 Chapter 4. I. The meeting April 15
Chapter 5. The meeting II. April 20
Chapter 6. Laura and Bill met in his room. May 2
Chapter 7. Laura's sadness. May 5
Chapter 8 advance. May 10 Chapter 9
surprise ... ... ... CHAPTER VIII

Monday, May 10, 2010

Japanese Porcelain Ware Decorated In Hong Kong

Author: " [info] seagull08 "

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin

Spoilers: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Final alternative.

eighth. :


Michael Kenig Michael woke up. Long ago could not have a peaceful sleep. For him, being able to sleep and was a precious, though night had fallen into a deep and heavy sleep.

He was quiet on this ship. His men worked on Galactic arrangements for the ship not coming apart and once his ship with his entire crew could carry out more work to secure the ship and make this able to travel and not have to leave space . Likes

colonial. He liked to greatly Admiral. He remembered his father. Michael had not known many Generals or Admirals. But if some leaders and could recognize them just by observing.

Bill Adama was one. The palpable. Also the President. That could be seen just being in front of her. Emanated from her incredible strength.

And you could tell they loved. That was safe. A man does not die just for his ship, such acts are noble but stupid. But if a man can die and with a woman.

And the rest of the crew, tired but happy since I found out they could have a future on a small planet. Yes

fulfill the request of the admiral, with this mission. It will only take a month or 45 days maximum, then we could leave and return to the front to continue fighting.

Michael looked at the ceiling and walls and the organic mixture that covered the walls. - What are the colonial ...... strange thought. Benjamin

Lt. Benjamin Paterson toured the ship. He looked at her with an infinite sadness. It reminded him so much. Another life, her parents and siblings.

wanted to believe this was not true. Which was still in school studying some distant, flying a ship. But I was here in the Battlestar Galactica Adama. Alone in a vast ship that was falling apart.

-Gods as strange that he said to himself.

- think about your world destroyed. Race almost annihilated. It was not fair, he thought, none of this is fair. - I hope this does not happen to anyone at any race.

And these people on this ship ready to die in a very unequal fight. - Damn .... Will Michael wronged changing history? Would not it be more consistent to let the President die. Pythia's prophecy said that.

- ... .... But I do not believe in prophecies, "Benji said aloud.

And if so? What if she had to die? ...

Michael thought, will have to answer to the oracle. It was an oracle who finally said that the President had the keys to the future of civilization, but never said that Laura's death must be stopped. That was an initiative of yours, friend.

-The Oracle, in whom you believe Michael, you will pass the bill, Benji said aloud to himself, circling back to his makeshift room to sleep.

Fourth day Galactic

The spacecraft is still and quiet space. The last jump and the number of shots received from the ship had almost decimated Cavil Galactic. Adama accompanied by Saul and Michael Kenig's traveled assessing the situation. Two engineers were performed.

After the tour the three men then went to the room of Admiral Adama.

- Well then the situation is like that - we can not move. Or travel. Less jump, "said Saul.

Do we expect the ship then Lieutenant? Adama exclaimed, looking at Michael.

"Well ... ... the thing is .... said one of the engineers. I think that seeing the results of the review to the ship can do something.

- What? "Said Adama looked at them.

"We can make the ship recompose it by eighty percent. That's for sure, but not for long. Also with the work done, we can ensure their FTL jump. We have advanced in the structure and the protocol for these jumps. If we had one of their engineers here, we simplify the work fairly. It's been almost a puzzle to study the composition this machine. From the viewpoint of an engineer this technology is impressive.

- We can assure utility of the ship up to four months but no more than that. Then ... ... ... .. Sorry ... .... Will begin to disintegrate.

"That's enough. Michael said, our trip should be completed in two months at most. In addition, our ship will travel to your side at all times while engineers finish my work with your system salto. "Meanwhile, we can work with them and find the coordinates of its fleet, to know the exact location of it. Luckily D "Anna kept the coordinates of the journey of your fleet. With that my people have worked and before long we will have the exact coordinates of where they are .-

Laura looked at the men talking on the couch. Since Dr. Harlan had been discharged had not left the room. Only he had devoted to rest and read and sleep hugging Bill Adama, the times were not eating, chatting or reading. And it made her happy, though greatly missed making love. Bill was dying even as she was emphatic about this. They would not do anything until Dr. Harlan adoption. Do not want to jeopardize Laura in any way.

"I'm alive, thought-

- We agree-.- We are detained here. Do not move or we movemos. "My men and I worked on the analysis of their form of transportation to base jumping and comprehensive settlement of the ship so they will have to be patient, we can not do more than that. - Will have to wait for me to ship and finish faster. Once completed the arrangements on this ship will leave in search of its fleet and since then sail in search of the world offered by Admiral .-

me "Well, I think, should seriously think about these days as free as we can not, or you can not do more, said Michael seriously. We can do nothing but wait. For now we must work to slow down and take a few days off if you want.

- Saul looked at Bill and this smile .- .... It seems very sane and appropriate the decision Mr. Kenig. - So until they reach the ships, we have some time off.

Michael Saul and snapped against the Admiral. Laura Saul said goodbye and went along with the two engineers to the door.

- Lieutenant, "said Laura, turning to Michael ....

- Yes Madam President-...

- I can speak briefly to you? -

- Of course, "said Michael, returning to where she was.

- Would you and your friend have dinner with us tonight? -

- Benji? -


- will be an honor to accompany them to dinner, ma'am.

"The hope at eight .-

" Thanks be on time-

Michael smiled and saluted Bill out the door hatch

"From what I see we have guests, expressed Laura Adama was walking.

"Sure. It is time we can talk a bit more with these soldiers. - I know you're up and I want to know more about these two. I am intrigued enough .-

"It's a good idea Bill said as he sat beside her on the couch, kissing his head and taking his hands. Continue

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Kates Playground Scarf Pic Set

A / R Drabble

Hello everyone ^ ^

I wrote a little drabble about our beloved couple in my LJ, if you read it is around here
A greeting.

. Drabble here

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Does Itunes Have Promos



Author: " [info] seagull08 "

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin Spoilers

: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Alternate ending : Seventh Chapter



Laura moved in bed. She felt a little dizzy and I knew needed to get up and make your way to the bathroom. Had lost the habit of eating. Even before being admitted to nursing and being fed through tubes, she ate very little. Now that his stomach was hard to get used to food again.

carefully so as not to wake him, Laura broke away Bill's arm and sat back on his chest, covering it with a marker. While slowly recovering health, strength and still had little tired quickly.

When treatments kept always made frequent trips from the bed to the bathroom. She from the first time they slept together in the room of Bill, had sleep request to the outside of the bed to comfort them, assuming he would not wake up.

She walked quickly. He closed the small door and pulled the switch. The light filled space. When finished, he stood before the mirror. Laura looked at that image was painful. To weeks or months that are not observed in detail in a mirror as he was doing now. The face that was watching the stunned and depressed. It seemed more dead than alive. He had lost so much weight that her bones were spoken on your skin. His eyes had dark circles and were sunken and his head was kept completely bald. While wearing the wig, it served to hide the hair loss to others, but also was a reminder of the continuing deterioration of his body.

Laura had never given much thought to herself, but before cancer had been what some might consider quite beautiful. Bill even called her so many times, but still insisted, Laura knew she was blind love for her.

How had lost its former shape. As he had lost the sparkle in your eyes, pink cheeks, the fullness of her lips. He felt his body had been stripped of every drop of diloxin at first and later cancer. Just now I saw a little twinkle in his eye, very slight in any case.

raised his hand to his head. He missed over all things hair. Before using the drug, Laura's hair had been nice, long, red, sometimes I could feel the soft curls kissing your skin.

felt so ugly now.

Laura was healthy, but still felt horrible, no grace as a woman. Grateful for being alive, I knew that from now on accompany her health, but did not understand how Bill could kiss her, touch her or even more, wanting it. Want this body, so thin with so many bones, no forms.

With these thoughts, reminders of the ordeal and suffering she had lived months ago by cancer drug treatment, collapsed in tears and slid his back against the wall sitting on the floor.

For several minutes, she was still the same, until he heard the bathroom door open. Laura tried to choke back tears, but it was too late, it was Bill. Why have to be so careful? Without fail, every night, every time you get out of bed, when he still had the disease as soon as I discovered that she is in the bathroom, gets up and tried to make sure he was alright.

is useless now, Bill was already beside her, taking her in his arms.

How long has it been since they share? . Since they were just friends. At one time, without knowing both through the years had had lives with others, but none of these relationships compared to what they now share.

And now had another chance. Was alive. Bill once told him he could not live without it. Seemed cliché, but it was true. Now they had a chance. A new opportunity to continue together. On those occasions

Laura thought she was lucky. She was who would die first and not have to live the bear to be without it. They fell

tears down the cheeks of Laura.

- Laura, please do not cry, do you?, Do you feel bad ?........

No, I just feel like I look, horrible, no longer look like a real woman. Without hair, extremely thin, dull the skin or eyes, and still can not love me ......

"Laura," he said, taking his arms, never, ever say that, you know, never again. You, you're my life. Without you I'm lost, I am nothing, I'm just the shell of a man. I do not understand anything .... he said, holding her despair as tears fell from his eyes.

Unable to hold Laura began to sob also, hugging him, both standing in the bathroom, feeling the hard life they had been presented in recent months was still present, as a reminder of sadness before.

Laura put her head on his chest, then put his face and pressed his lips to it. Then separated and spoke in a whisper about the only words that came to her. "Sorry, I made up ..."

- Never mind my love, "I love you," Laura

heard these words, remembering that if any in recent months with increasing frequency. But he had seemed increasingly inadequate. It was impossible to articulate the depth of his love.

-I love you too much, "was his response to the statement." Let me love, come, "said Bill, turning them
bed still crying, clung to him desperately, as if in fear of having to wake up and understand that this could be just a dream.

************************************ ***********************************

Six Hours after

She awoke from his dream . Whenever I slept, woke up several because of the severe pain, however, in these last hours sleeping, did not have any of those feelings. After his sad and distressing scene in the bathroom Laura felt calm. Now I understood that he could have a future, that future could now really, build it with the man she loved and who loved her. I felt that once again returned to play a role in this twisted tale.

of today could come back to fight and eventually lead his people, this time to a planet provided by another race, another civilization. Perhaps Elosha was right when he told someone he loves. Perhaps that was the point of salvation, the door was open for these young soldiers arrived to help. He looked at Bill who was sleeping beside her, then slowly and almost stood motionless.

He went to the bathroom and when he left he felt a faint knock on the door. Put on his robe, covered his head with a handkerchief and walked to open the meeting up with the soldier who had nursing care until recently. "Madam President

bring you dinner," said the smiling young man .-

The soldier remembered as the young soldier Jaffe, who had given his life for Bill, in the attempt of revolution that had taken place
Zarek and Gaeta Madame
soldier introduced him to Queen is the head chef of the soldiers who arrived and is here to talk to you. "Madam President

goodnight said the soldier, saluting military, Dr. Harlan asked me specifically nutrition. I have brought simple but nutritious food, what do you think?

Laura appreciated the gesture.

- I brought some things if to prove. You must eat very measured to be re your body accustomed to food and nutrient-

Laura sat as the two men put a tray on the table.

Laura could not believe the variety of scents and colors were displayed on the table. Already

It was night and the food was served in the dining room of the Admiral and the President, the room for both.

Laura talked pleasantly with the cook of the other vehicle, who was explaining about the merits of providing varied and healthy food. For someone who was recovering from a serious illness. I could not believe how many flavors. After all this time feeding on algae, all the food seemed a blessing from the gods.

Bill in the room woke up and stretched his arm to feel a void in the bed. Quickly joined ........ Laura said ......

Even with traces of sleep in the face, Bill heard Laura was talking to someone in the room. He returned to bed and put on the gown. He went to the table and found Laura chatting pleasantly with a soldier who stood at attention when Bill arrived at the scene. You

Queen presented the soldier. He is an excellent chef.

"Good evening, Admiral .-

" Good Night .-

- Well I'm already retired. I leave then dinner, enjoy it. Remember that day I will send something in line with their health. Admiral, Madam President .- The soldier saluted and neglect the two rooms.

Bill looked at his watch. I could not believe it. It had been 12 hours. He had slept 12 hours followed. This does not happen a long time in the last four years, just close your eyes had been five or six hours. Bill Adama felt relaxed and happy. Is that Laura was at his side.

How do you feel?

-rested, happy, hungry, said.

He approached her, kissing her forehead. "Come on, baby

said, sit with me to dinner, come with me. Happy

Bill sat beside her. Dined lively, cheerful, with a very different mood that had taken hours earlier. They talked about what happened in the last hours. The arrival of the young soldiers, ship, fleet had leaping for days. They were alive, the arrival of Columbus. Meet them and talk with Laura. The secrets and questions of the Oracles. Everything was so vague. Bill told Laura about the soldiers who were clones and how they were acquired by the revolutionaries.

Each one point he took her hand and kissed it. It was instinctive. Laura smiled and stroked her face. Cavil now dead and the truce with the Cylons, the two leaders felt that humanity had a future. Laura said that with this new civilization opened endless possibilities for new trips and new partnerships.

"They do not want an alliance, Laura. We made a deal. They will lead us to a planet habitable. But we should not meddle in the war.

Why not want a partnership? "Because

are at war. In the midst of a civil war. Laura I make a decision. Even here, where we are, no connection to the fleet, I will not risk it to join a war. We had ours and our people are already tired, bored and desperate. Now we have a chance. We can not reach their universe because we do apart. You heard his lieutenant and his admiral. That path is not valid. If we have a chance, if we have a home, we go down to the planet that we offer. We have no choice .- Laura

observes thoughtfully. In the midst of the universe. Among new civilizations, in the midst of a war. Bill was right. They could make another choice. We had to go to the planet and from that point to start building a new civilization.

"You're right Bill, now then, go to bed

- To sleep? , Just woke up, if you want you could read a little -

"You should do other things ... Laura said mischievously.

"No," Bill, You must rest, the doctor was emphatic that there's time for "I swear, Laura.

-Laura smiled. ----- If it's true I'm a little tired - So is it true that I am right?

Sure, I saw your tests and examinations - are fine. RECOVERING, weak but good.

"Let's read for a while then," Long time no-

***************************** Adama

awoke at dawn. It was still early to rise. It felt strangely good, as he had not felt in recent weeks. Or in recent years. Looked at the woman who was sleeping peacefully beside him. A smile filled his face.

Adama tenderly watched, whether it was beautiful, so beautiful. And beside him in bed, one hand on his chest and his lips touching her shoulder, asleep. I did not understand how she could be horrible, his words had hurt him more, that she tell them.

felt a lump in my throat. Her happiness was great to feel that she was fine. I noticed when you lay down beside him in bed in the morning and I could notice now. And until recently saw that his life was extinguished, was now reborn. No matter how, just came back.

Adama was not a religious man. But since Laura had broken into her life, everything had changed in him. Sometimes at night while sleeping hugging her begging had been found the gods for a miracle. One more day of your company. In a move that could change your life and remove this cancer from your body. And every night was like she was losing the fight. And as his health was hopelessly deteriorating and away from him.

Now that had changed. No matter whom you should thank if the young warriors who had come to his house if some miracle, if life, Gods. Bill Adama was not all that important. She was alive. And he was with her.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why Does Throat Hurt More At Night


Author " [info] seagull08 "

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin

Spoilers: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Alternate ending :

sixth. :

third day of the arrival of the revolutionary troops

Laura awakened by a noise. Sorry

.- How do you feel?

"Well, fine. Long I was not feeling so well. I do not feel pain in the bones, or hands, or whole body. .

"Okay" While you slept conduct some tests. This healthy, weak but healthy, I think he had said. The breast tumor disappeared. Also ramifications. Your body is fine. I told the Admiral, was here almost all night, slept not only was watching. He needs rest, takes many hours without sleep. Now he went to the control room, CIC, to assess Lieutenant transfer forms

.- Bill. .... Laura whispered.

"For my part I have good news, I'll give you high.

- What?

-Yes, but only to get out of here, which is pretty depressing. You no longer need to be connected to the machine does not need oxygen or serum. Already more fed, so if you must, take some drugs frequently dispensed. I will not give very strong drugs. Needs to start expelling those drugs that remain in your body. Understand this, you cancer is healthy, but her body is pretty weak. Do not force. Get plenty of sleep and rest. Need to start eating. Must gain weight

.- I have never had much weight.

"But you need more. I ordered a special menu will be served 4 times a day, snacks. Our chef is on this ship. He has orders and the menu, so I get dressed, go home, take a shower and lie down to read or sleep and rest please. It's okay. Takes time for you .-

- AND I say again, refrain from exercising or sudden movements for a few days, you need rest and his condition is quite poor. Forces can not do. You must have rest.

Got it?

-understood, "said Laura.

Nursing two hours later

Bill entered the nursing addressing Laura's bed. When he arrived he found only empty cubicle. He began to feel a hint of desperation and choking on his pecho.Laura was not there. Dr. Harlan

entered then squaring to see Bill.
like the President is not here. I gave him high and went to his chambers, should be there at this time .-

Bill sighed with relief.

-be fine, although you should eat better. Already have a system to be followed strictly, will also add vitamins, some supplements, also drugs. Now she is fine and healthy but should be in your room with sleep. You should not do strength exercises or some kind of sudden. Do you understand? . I stretched it a medical program and be controlled daily, but do not worry, she will be fine and will gain strength and vigor.

"Do not worry I'll take care of her,

" Yeah I guess, but otherwise Admiral, you must sleep, her face indicates a lack of sleep and fatigue. Bill

smile, thanks, and said he went to his room. **********

Admiral Rooms

Laura ......

A smiling Laura walked slowly out of the bathroom, freshly showered and gown.
Bill approached her, I could not stop staring at her, Laura could not stop looking. She was without probes, nor was connected to a machine, I was just in front of him and he looked radiant despite her thinness and pallor.

Laura raised her hand and stroked his face as Bill closed his eyes. Then he kissed her forehead and hugged him.

had been too many days when Laura and I had no strength even to eat. Too many days with pain, cold or cough. Now she was facing him, almost radiant. Bill looked at her. For him, she looked more beautiful than ever. He loved her and every second from now on together was a gift. A time to live and love.

My Laura.

Laura hugged him tightly and raised his head to kiss him and feel like their mouths joined. I did not want to leave but not forcing. It fits snugly in a few minutes before Laura spoke.

"I'm fine, I was sent to rest .-

" I know.

"He also said they did not sleep for days and you should rest.

Bill smiled. I would love to embrace. I did not want to be a minute without it. I could not. A miracle had brought him back to his side in his room at home. Galactic was falling apart, it was evident, but he was an old man who only cared about at the moment to be with her.

-Bill you sleep, really, I worry .-

"I'm fine.

I do not believe, I go to breakfast, Will you come? -

Bill let go and sat down with her. Laura for a long time since I ate solid foods had yet begun to feel some appetite. The last days had been fed with tubes, so that his weight had dropped dramatically, regaining appetite was a new and different feeling, I had forgotten the taste of a meal and although Dr. Harlan had been discharged for not being in nursing, must still be in bed and eat slowly.

trays had been placed on the table. When they opened the covers both looked at each other, milk, fruits, coffee, candy, cookies, etc.., dishes that they had been banned for a long time.

- Where did this - he asked Laura.

"I brought the soldiers visitors, which we helped to destroy the ship Cavil, or rather, who destroyed the ship of Cavil.

"Dr. Harlan told me who they were in the infirmary, its war and also some history .- .....-


- Humm ...-.

- Can not find that this makes no sense. We spent four years in space fighting and surviving, and when we determine to die fighting against Cavil, out of nowhere appears a new civilization that helps us out of the battle and ends up destroying our enemies .-- Is not it illogical Bill? -

"Everything is illogical .-

" And look at us, sitting here, eating breakfast as if nothing had happened in our lives .-
Bill took Laura's hand.

-Laura at the moment only one thing seems real and important, you

.- Laura extended her hand, stroked his cheek and kissed him.

-Bill, how many hours have you not slept? -

Adama smiled. "Only 20, 30 or 40. -

"Enough, no more, go to bed .-

Bill looked at Laura.

- If you love, I will go to bed smiling Laura said .- She looks and smiles. You also must rest
Laura, are you okay, but please be patient for things to resume their cycle, Bill said, smiling and stroking her face.

"I feel good, though a little tired,"

- then you must rest said. Adama went to the bathroom and then to the bed where she had entered. Stripped leaving only in boxers and slept hugging, sleep overcame him.

How long are not you?


- Sleep baby rests.

-Laura, Bill whispered, kissing her neck and base of the neck, as he used to do every night, asleep or awake.

He always kisses her on the back near his neck, his mouth against her shoulder joint and neck. He kisses her often, while sleeping in various parts of your body keeps your lips in contact with it.

Close gently but energetic, attracted to him. He hugs her and interlace the fingers of his hand with hers, still tired as he was, dying to make love, but the message delivered by Dr. had been clear, - .... No physical activity .... - Hearing those words slowly exhaustion overcame him. Both

sleep without thinking nothing. Just feel the feeling of being together, to have a new opportunity. Both are leaders for the first time, feel free to be with each other.

He loves and she loves it.

continued ... ..