Saturday, September 25, 2010

Furries In Palm Desert

Spirit Day @ 2010-09-26T01: xP

My feet hurt from wearing boots with heels and stand most of the afternoon.
But fuck that go well xP

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Electronic Toyshow T Do At Home

There are some books that call my atencióny in Chile could not find, so I bought Internet (With the card from my cousin if because I have no such things) and arrived today but gained it through customs. And as I was not there and my grandmother (which is the owner of the house and where under the direction of delivery) I had no money, the books were returned to Santiago until you have the money . Seh
money is evil and all those weird rules that put you at the office.
Well, tomorrow will call to ask them again to bring
xD So if all goes well, my precious books can come tomorrow night, Saturday or Monday if or if. TT Books

Ahh I have a plan travel to Buenos Aires in the winter break to buy books recommend titles to Do?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gay Tv Gratis Yahoo Answer



Author: " [info] seagull08 "
Pairing: Adama / Roslin

Spoilers: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Final alternative.

Another story for the final story of Bill and Laura.

Chapter 15

Laura woke up and looked at his hand as Bill slept peacefully. He devoted himself to watch. He was not handsome, but his eyes seemed the most beautiful man in the universe . Love thought .........

He stood quietly listening to his breathing. Hombremás loved this as I could imagine. As he had never loved anyone. He noted his shoulder showed some passion marks left hours atrásy felt some pain in the back, the product of it. I smile. Their wedding night was memorable.

- red dress she thought, had an effect ...........

Bill went watching. Is that she loved him so much. Never in his life had this feeling for a man. Passion itself. But not love. Richard seemed to feel it but now I could test everything Bill lived with since they had met so far, adding the hours making love to him, he could say was in full this feeling.

Raise your hand and looked at his ring. It was now a married woman. With military. With its Admiral. With Bill Adama.

While watching Bill woke her ring and smiled at her looking at his hand.

- Now you are tied directly to me, "

Laura looked at him and kissed him. - not irretrievably is happily Bill

He hugged her and pulled her close.

- B ill. Although he had lost faith, I pray to God that this never ends.

- Laura you say .... Why why should I quit? We are together and love me I love you. Heard. I love you like nobody ever loved. We are married. And these alive and well .-

Laura could not help but mourn. No sadness. But happiness. After so long, she felt alive like never before had been. Bill took his hand where he had his ring and kissed her.

He began to stroke slowly. Then he kissed her head. He loves doing that. Start with kisses on his head and continue on his neck, his neck and shoulders. She Happy turned his face and kissed him on the mouth. She loves it. Kiss on the mouth. Without passion at first. Only tenderly.

He answers his kiss. He just wants to feel like kissed by Laura. So it has long desired. Being alone with her. Loved by her. She cherished.

Both begin to caress, you know what will be delivered within minutes .......

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::

Grand Old Lady.

Admiral William Adama, a military officer of the twelve colonies, crossed the Battlestar Galactica. The work of the soldiers was remarkable. Despite the battered ship, it looked pretty good. So would say safer. As I walked reminded all men and women who had served under his command, to all who knew and all who died on the ship.

"We still have a journey to make ---- thought, smiling.

Once completed large Galactic arrangements all its crew were taken to the great hall of the revolutionary soldiers. For several days would be made a series of work requiring heavy machinery and lack of oxygen and it was necessary to go a few days. Laura

to tour the ship of revolutionary soldiers in the company of Bill thought it was magnificent. They had begun moving towards an hour. It was a big ship, not as Galactic, but wide and full of runners.

first thing observed Laura when she walked behind the soldiers who guided to his room was the amount of windows and windows of the nave. In Galactic windows did not exist, which produced a sense of claustrophobia. But here the windows were numerous and allowed to watch the stars and space. Observóla too young officers and soldiers who composed the crew. Women and men were over 30 years.

- are boys and girls All- thought Laura.

When they got to the quarter the soldier in charge guide them opened the room. It was in that action when presented Michael.

- Admiral said saluting and waving. - I give a hearty welcome to the ship. Hope you like it. It's comfortable and large.

Laura and Bill entered the room. This was extended. Consisted of unasala area with a sofa. A dining room. Also a meeting room and a desk. In addition to the bedroom was also large.

Laura noticed the many books were arranged on a bookshelf in the office sector.

- Whose are these books, Laura asked ?

- said Michael are mine ..... As those of you are in boxes, I ordered mine for if they wanted to read something new. Most are history, military tactics reli some others are narrative and literature-

- I did not like the paper books

said Laura

- ... did not say that expressed Michael smiled .- I said almost all my books when I'm in space are electronic ... but I have my home on paper .... But I always travel with some ... are available.

Laura and Bill looked up and smiled. - Thanks Bill said.

- Well. Let's see. These boxes had them as a gift from my mother matrimonio.Pero the truth is I do not know that they contain. Approaching a boxes that were on the table . Laura

approached one of them .- His mother knows of our marriage?

"I told Michael said," I did wrong, ma'am?

- Not for nothing, is that because we do not know. -

- But my father and I count on you. Especially me, almost every night,

-Laura looked at Bill and Michael sonríoa

- So, This box is for you Mr. President ...

Laura. Disrupted ........ Laura.

- Well ... this is for you and the other for both.

Laura opened one and looked inward. Extracted from inside a package. It was a set with bath salts, gel, foam.

- Well if you want a good bath, that will serve "If you like, said Michael.

Laura looked at Bill and hurried to the bathroom, Gods said from the scene.

- What, happens? Michael said ...

Both men went to the bathroom. Bill looked at the place and found inside a large tub what looked radiant dimensionesLaura excited.

- Bill look, not back out of this room, "I dream of a bath for more than four years and now my wish is fulfilled ...

- Well I'm glad you like said Michael.

The three returned to the room. In the boxes was clothing, shoes, makeup and in the case of both. Wines, delicacies, chocolates, sweets, clothes and other things Bill sumptuous.

- Teniente entregue las gracias a su madre por el gesto.-

  -Se las daré no se preocupe-

  -¿De quien era esta habitación? Dijo Laura.

- Mía dijo Michael.. Pero ahora de ustedes.


- Los demás están dispuestos en este corredor. A la izquierdael Coronel Tigh y su esposa. Al fondo Starbuck. El comandante Agathon y Sharon con Hera se encuentran en otro corredor room available for small. The soldiers also were accommodated in other units.

"Well, I let yourselves comfortable. The bedroom is in the background. I hope everything is to your liking, Madam President, Admiral.


looked at Laura and Bill. The room was great. Also had a window to watch the stars. Bill walked to the books and began reading the titles. It is true that the vast majority were in history but was also a police section. Bill smiled, would finally have new literature. Took one of the books of military tactics in the Battle. Interesting thought Adama.

Once Michael left the room, Laura took the bottle of salts and went to the bathroom.

- Sorry, but look me in three hours at least. I've waited this long-

Bill smiled, loved this woman. Michael Kenig

Bill presented to the crew. It also undertook a tour of the ship showing it. He later took him to the command room. The CIC. Michael was welcomed by all members of the officers and they all add up to Bill. Although there was a commander, his orders were obeyed in full. Adama repaired at the age of the officers. All very young, almost children. He wondered, if he was wrong in placing all their trust these guys? These soldiers so young. If it was a mistake it was too late to repent, and were on their way to find his people. I wanted to find his people, to its fleet, especially Laura, who had a brush with death, and was now living. In this way it could return to being the president of the Twelve Colonies, but this was not going to be to the liking of his son.

"Well Admiral, it seems the ship.

"It's a great ship, has long seen anything so big and modern. It's a good-

"Even if you have to ship, this will also be under his command admiral.

- How ?, Said Bill.

- orders are orders Major Martinez said. My orders were to be under his command to reach the planets and leave them in place. From now on you give the orders here sir, and we obey.

"I can not accept this said Bill Adama looked

Michael and the commander Martínez. Admiral and also remain a navemoderna that was not his people were surprised. However, this army would promise to respect his rank and be at your disposal.

- Okay, I agree, but on condition that Colonel Tigh still my second Galactic official. Major Martinez you continue in office and Captain Agathon as second officer in the CIC.

Admiral "No problem, this fact," Michael said.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good Resorts In Pondicherry

o_o 56:00

been a while since I did not like someone or that someone treated me indifferently aside from my sister when we fought.
is rare ... uncomfortable, a bit unfair because not even let me speak ... but it will be.
nothing I will not beg, but also try the same way.
not my problem.
... O_o I

Friday, September 10, 2010

Why & When Mucus Come From Cervix

Facts of Life Working

At work I write to a Chinese in English and I answer in English xDD
But do not let me write in English because they want to do more practice the English ... and while I stressed a bit xD I'm not complaining
Everything is for better!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

M Jak Milosc Odcinki Ogladaj Online

At work I had to prepare a power point with information about the company. Whether its products and its services.
also had to find mail from other companies and start sending that point.
After many messages ... yesterday received a response. Damn
of all emails sent.
But at least they are responding
xP I called or send mail to more companies. Business