Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wood Stove Clogged Nose


Author: " [info] seagull08 "
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica Pairing: Adama / Roslin
Spoilers: Season 4
Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Alternate ending
Fourteenth Chapter.
A new opportunity for Bill and Laura. Something not so sad. Light something else. More optimistic.


Laura was sitting on the couch reading-room when he entered Adama. In this space, Laura felt at home.

- Hello, Bill said -

- Hello she said, smiling,

He sat beside her on the couch. Watching an enigmatic look

- What? , What is it? -

Bill just looked at

and smiled.

"You're concerned she said. What honey? -

..... Laura, Laura .... Would you like to marry? Laura

smile - What?

- Yes you marry me?

Bill know that I will marry you my love.

-not after or when we get to a planet, if not now .-


Laura looked at him with infinite tenderness, could not stop smiling, but tears welled in her eyes.

"Will you marry now? Up, here on the ship? -

" If Laura. I want to marry here. In this room. In this ship, because this ship and this quarter has been our home. The place dondehemos spent most time together. Where we've been happy and where we've loved Laura profundidad.Si want to get married here and now .-


despite their happiness could not stop mourn . -Bill Adama ,........ I already consider myself married to you after all that has happened, however, if my love ....... I would love to marry you, here and now. Bill

hugged her and kissed her hard.

*********************************************** ***************************

Adama went to the CIC. The ship had returned to life with the large number of soldiers who moved inside. Similarly soldiers were carrying supplies and machine parts and from Galactic. Bill was happy and motivadoal see much activity. I was worried about the fleet and for failing to match your search, but was glad to see the work being carried out without problems.

A divisóa pasilloAdama Michael Kenig, who approached him, smiling.

- Admiral lack some details and a couple of hours after we


"I know you, I would like to consult, what should I do to bring out what I suggested?

Michael was his face lit up and a smile appeared on his face.

- Admiral, congratulations, I knew. Do not worry I'll talk to nuestrosacerdote leave everything ready, do not worry.

- Do not bother, I can talk to him

"If you want, but Father has been doing all morning marriages. If you're going to talk with him


Bill and Michael walked down a hallway in search of the priest, Michael suddenly looked Adama.

Admiral gustaríadarle me something as a wedding gift.

- Thank looking Adama said.

- What about wedding rings-

Adama does not know what to say. Just looked at the blond, smiling official.

- not necessary, "

- But I would " said Michael.

- now I have at least one , Adama said showing his hand.

"If you've noticed, but at least let me giving her the Lady of President.

"It's a nice gesture Lieutenant Adama said, but ... ...

- But nothing, you need two rings, not one to be a marriage. Obsequious and so let me have something to remind me when it is no longer in her life

-Adama paused and looked at the young officer - You are always in our life Teniente but thanks, okay, I accept it.

********************************************* **************************

A new marriage

The wedding was held at the Admiral's room. In the morning came Kara, who was chosen by Laura godmother. Saul Tigh was chosen by Bill sponsor.

Kara was happy. She arranged the place and left everything in order for the ceremony. At the time Michael arrived, ordering an altar in the office desk.

A while later the father Gabriel appeared in the company of Ellen who felt Sauly happy to attend ceremony.

Helo and Sharon had also been invited and arrived on time at the wedding in the small company and Benjamin Hera who acted as photographer.

Adama seemed so calm and talked to the priest and Saul trivia while waiting the appearance of Laura, who still remained in the bathroom. He had decided to use his wedding ring on, simply because it had been his grandfather and he la había dado su abuela antes de su fallecimiento. Así se lo había explicado a Laura y fue ella quien le dijo que ese era el anillo que quería para él en la boda.

Starbuck disimuladamente se dirigió al lugar y fue en busca de Laura.

- Presi......,...Laura estamos listos, ¿vas a salir o te arrepentiste? -

La puerta del baño se abrió y emergió Laura, quien dijo; puedo arrepentirme de miles de cosas en mi vida Starbuck, pero ni se te ocurra pensar que podría arrepentirme de esto.

-Okay all ready, the bride is coming Kara said as she settled next to the priest.

When Bill Adama Laura was entering the place and head towards him, something happened inside. Look was a revelation. She saw something she had not seen in a long time and had not forgotten. Laura was wearing the red dress to the ceremony of investiture as President Baltar on New Caprica. That dress she wore on Caprica and it was crazy that day. One who llevabapuesto in all his dreams for lonely nights sleeping in Galactic while she was on New Caprica. That red dress he had taken the first time they made love under a starry sky on this planet.

Bill was hypnotized. I could not stop looking at it and others do not even noticeable, Laura if she had realized the effect that this dress was in it.

She came to the altar and installed next to Bill taking his hand.

The wedding was emotional. Were moved. Everyone in that room, even the young officers were aware of the long struggle this couple to be together. Every battle, every moment lost and gained. The pain they suffered when Laura died. The sadness and anguish.

Now in this room, this damaged ship. A wedding was done. Two lonely creatures who loved each joined to no longer be separated. At that time and life there had begun to flourish.

After being declared husband and wife to the priest all embraced the new casados.Benji took many photos. Sauly Michael opened the champagne served in glasses themselves. Kara excited happy and with tears in his eyes he hugged Laura and I wish him every happiness in the universe. Bill did the same with giving a long and emotional embrace. Hera reíay much applauded without understanding the situation. Ellen was touched and embraced both lovers. All was happiness that day in the rooms of the Admiral.

At night, once they were alone, Laura and Bill were sitting on the couch. Said nothing. They were just hugging. Her head on his chest.

- Laura-


" You're the most beautiful woman I've seen,

"You make me feel beautiful,"

"You know I almost died when I saw you walk in that dress .-

"I know ... lol. That's why I chose it. It's my wedding gift for you.

"You know I'm going to take them off as I devour you with kisses .-

" I know and count on that, "

-also know that tonight is our night Wedding and we continue on this ship a while longer.

"I know -

A brief silence fell in the room

- Bill

" Yes

Laura raised her head

and said .- staring you going to remove the dress or should I give you help. Bill looked at .- Bien. This is our wedding night Mrs. Adama said and picked her up to take her to bed.

"You know not only 'll tear you dress but we do both love ........

Laura kissed her lips and said ... Bill Adama ....... silent and begin to celebrate our wedding night .....

Continue ..


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