Thursday, July 1, 2010

Phentermine Temporal Arteritis


Author: " [info] seagull08 "
Fandom: Battlestar
Galactica Pairing
: Adama / Roslin Spoilers

: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Final alternative.

Thirteenth Chapter.

A new opportunity for Bill and Laura. Something not so sad. A glimmer of hope.

Chapter Thirteen

's arrival.

Bill Adama awoke to the sound of the phone that communicates with the CIC. He took it, trying not to wake sleeping Laura hugging him, but the persistent call had already started the dream.

- Adama ". What happens? -

" Okay, I'll be there, thanks Saul

- I say you have to get up? Laura said sleepy and angry voice in the event that Bill had to get up and get out of bed

.- ....-

smile Bill No. Michael told Saul that his ships will in a few hours -

- what time is it?

-five thirty-

-Ha ....... good, early, we can still sleep a few hours, said Laura-

Bill embraced again and began kissing her neck. Whenever he kisses her sleep. Awake or still asleep he kisses her on the back or neck. He kisses her often, while sleeping in various parts of your body, keeps your lips in contact with it.

She smiles, her dream has begun to evaporate. Ely turns to kiss him on the lips. He smiles tambiény hugs tighter. Then she wraps her lips and fills her face with kisses. He kisses her tenderly and whispers his name as she returned his kiss and begins to caress and kiss him all over his body feeling in his belly as he is exciting. Both

not want this to end. They want to be so for the rest of their days locked in the embrace of their bodies, just loving, protecting, and giving endless pleasure. Want

hold only a little more, they want to stop time and continue to enjoy the feeling at this very moment. Both know they are a man and a woman totally in love in bed.

They come to that place that only lovers know to go. That place where thought does not make sense and where only hearts move.

**************************************** The


saw Michael Kenig as his ship, The Eagles, came and parked near the Galactic spacecraft. She looked dazzling in front of the shattered old ship.

left the CCC and went in company of Lieutenant Patterson off the hangar to greet their soldiers, technicians and their officers.

Six hours later.

Bill Adama watched from an aisle to the soldiers who carried accessories and from the ships of the revolutionaries. He noted some officers who gave orders and verified that the transfer to and from parts extranjera.Las ship orders were clear. It should work in the shortest time possible to complete repairs to the ship and begin the journey. Adama looked

work these soldiers and the frenetic activity in the hangar and all his ship. Although the army was not hers, was pleased to see so many people moving through the corridors of the ship. All comers and respected his military rank when he entered a place quickly add up. Adam likes it.

A young officer turned to him.

- Admiral Kenig Lieutenant want you to go to the CIC sir

- Thanks .-

Adama arrived at the CIC and met Lt. Michael Kenig who ran transfer operation from that place. Sauly another officer accompanied him.

- Admiral, I present the commander Oliver Martinez, who is the commander of our ship-

"It's a pleasure. Thank you for bringing his troops and transportation.

Admiral "Nothing is an honor to meet. And Kenig Lieutenant told me a lot of you and your people, will be an honor to take us where we found Admiral Sir -

- Well then complete the move en72 hours and we leave , said Michael, speaking to the outlet in the company of Adama.


thought we would go in less time .-

- If the truth is I thought that we would leave in 24 hours, but you see, I have several soldiers to be exchanged ships. Travel with us one of our priests. Several soldiers asked me to marry. I will not deny. He performed the wedding father. So I set a time frame to have performed the marriage. I think it's fair Admiral - Adama

looked at the young lieutenant who was right. These young people were at war and the least was having a chance to get married before leaving for the fight

- Admiral Another thing, without being flippant, do you and the president are not married, right? , Starbuck told me, well it d igo because Father Gabriel performs weddings of all faiths, if you like .... I do not know ........ take advantage ...... Women like that ........ You understand ... Michael Kenig said as he walked away smiling.

Adama turned pensive and risueñoa his room.

continued ... ... ..


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