Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How To Use H2ocean Spray Forbelly Button Piercing

Author: "seagull08"

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin

Spoilers: Season 4

Timeline : Just before Day Break I / Alternate ending :

I return to pick up the story after a period of travel, which had failed to publish anything. Here I continue with the third chapter of this story with an alternate ending :

The Oracle of Patmos.

"Our civilization every so often refers to the oracles. They always give us guidelines for our present and future .-

- Is your civilization? Who are you? -. Asked Bill. Michael

watched and smiled.

"Our history is very long. ...... When our Admiral Admiral arrives can give more background, for now, continue with the history of our oracle and the president .-

"As I said. Our oracles are throughout our universe are consulted and give us information. Months ago when I consulted the Oracle of Patmos told me about a dying leader who led his people to Earth. Personally I do not understand anything. Who was this leader?, "To Earth? -

"We're at war, long ago, about 50 years. Against our natural enemies and joined the Emus that we are now engaged in a civil war. Our troops revolted against the Senate. Several planets have joined the rebellion, some general, civilizations, complete armies. -

"I thought the Oracle told me about a planet that had joined the insurrection and its leader wanted to get the so-called, Third Planet Earth, but it was all very confusing. Which of all the land?, Because in this quadrant of the universe there are several. The Oracle told me I should find that leader because she would have the keys to finding ways to build the new order of the New Republic .-

Adama only listened

"I told the Admiral and I could not believe it. The oracle had informed the same to him. That in our civilization and our beliefs is impossible. Our oracles never say the same for two people and he told the same thing. The few times this has happened in the universe has brought strange consequences for the balance of various civilizations. It was then we realized the severity and understood that we should look to this leader .-

his Admiral Why? Adama asked.

do not know ...... Is it because our Admiral is now leader of the entire revolution?. But we did not know where to start. Until our soldiers found the Cylon, D 'Anna, Do you remember? She was the key to give you information about who they are, and history of both races, with the coordinates of your location.

24 hours before

Laura awoke to the noise and sudden movements of the ship. Galactic knew that he held his final battle. A few days ago both Bill and Lee, with the consent of the Quorum, had determined that only the spacecraft fight. Cavil had appeared close to them in a giant ship ..... A charge its own, as he said.

And Bill stated that the spacecraft would stay to fight, and within it could keep those who would make his last effort and finally dying inside. Lee, shocked objected, knowing that his father would one of those who remain in Galactic.

The ship, which was deteriorating more each day, had been evacuated days earlier. Adama had taken the decision to see his apparent deterioration and its inability to make a final settlement. This determination was communicated to the president.

only that things had changed with the emergence of Cavil. With few weapons and few soldiers, even counting his allies could not fight Cylon, Cavil's ship also tripled in size to Galactic.

object was a suicide and sacrifice all the soldiers. Should take a decision now.

And Bill Adama took it.

Galactic It would be to exploit with its atomic arsenal complete with some of the Cylon ship's weapons against Calvin ship.

When Adama explained that he would stay on the ship, both Lee and Kara and Saul responded, would not let him do that.

"I feel the decision is made .... Look for a planet. Earth if possible, I stay here, we must end this story once and for all.

"Dad ... are crazy ... do not leave the ship alone, Lee said, almost shouting.

Saul and Kara nodded.

"Sorry. Insist .-

- Why you want to die said Lee ?-....

- Why? ... Adama said ...... I think I told you once .... Lee I can not live without it. I will not continue in this pursuit without Laura.

Everyone in the room held a minute's silence was broken by Saul Tight ...

"Well I'm an old man. We have spent too much together. Sorry if you oppose, but I'm here. You will need staff to handle this child, Bill .-

All present turned to look.

"You have to do this, Saul .-
" But I want to, "

" I'm Kara-
- We do not allow .-

Adama said "Well have to tie me to stop. I'm sorry but need more than one person for this, besides, he lost to Sam, and I have lost it. Not even know if I'm alive, and the same about you, but do not say ..... I'm .-

A frozen silence returned to the room.

"Mr. Hoshi, up to you now. Will the new Admiral, it may be the fastest rise in history said Bill and removed the insignia of an admiral to give to Hoshi .-

"Well I -.....

"You all can do, is trained. As for you Lee. You must guide the people now. Take them somewhere where there's sun and a lot of vegetation, looking for a shared future, said Adama, embracing his son .-


Ellen was silent when Saul told him of his decision. Something was expected of him. Never had minimized the love, friendship and loyalty to Bill Saul.

_Vete now ... Saul said .... The ships are evacuating the last people-

"And leave you here, you'd have to be crazy, have too many things survived. I stay with you Saul .- .-


"There's nothing more to say .... I'm .-

****************** ************

-Bye Kara said goodbye to Sam Sanders, here I come. We'll meet again somewhere else, I do not know what it is, but we will see you again .... stooping to kiss the mouth of Sanders.

Kara Once away, the hybrid Sander was now only whisper.
"Not yet, not yet ... *******

"I tell Jack that has been more than a doctor, a friend, you know the truth, Cottle said goodbye to Laura.

- I mean that I oppose this stupid Cottle said "No need to finish well .-

- and that otherwise expected to end Laura said, lying in his hospital bed-

"You can travel with us and jump, need not be a hero or martyr president .-

Laura just smiled.

-Jack I am almost dead, so let me at least finish with him .-

Cottle looked at the dying woman and smiled a sad smile.

then I'll see you in another life, I hope that better terms than this, right? Then he took his hands and bent down to kiss the head of Laura farewell .-

************************** in the midst of this battle. Alone in her hospital room. Laura looked and felt the walls that he was going faster than I thought. Bill had promised to come with her, minutes before it was over. I expected it. I wanted to be with him. And end their lives together. Suddenly Laura

heard a laugh. A little laughter, as a small child.

- Who is there? -

Suddenly a boy stood in front of Laura's bed. He was about 10 or 12 years. Laura stood with effort on your bed to watch. The little boy was very blue eyes, big and brown hair. The boy continued staring at her, smiling.

- What are you doing here kid? Who are you? Why are you alone here? ..

The little one looked at her and continued to smile ....

My name is Joshi.

. By the Gods What are you doing here? -

Suddenly an earthquake shook the ship, moved Laura's bed.

-Small, Why are you here? ... Laura said with sadness, crying.

- Little Laura approached very slowly. He said nothing, just smiled, raised his hand and laid it on the head of Laura ...
"Not yet, not yet ....

Laura felt a tremor in his body, an intense fire, a sensation of falling to a large vacuum and then peace. Not enough to say anything, just fell into a deep sleep. ********************

Continue ..


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