Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dry Days Before Menstruation

Mary in ACCION

In case anyone has not had a chance to read the interview with Mary ACCION publishes the magazine, here you put the scan of it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Intestinal Fortitude Mediafire

Drawing Bill Adama

Finally finished the drawing I was doing Bill, has not been very good but ...
can see it in my LJ

(Bill Adama )

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cotton Print Factory Shop Glasgow


Author: " [info] seagull08 "

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin Spoilers

: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Alternate ending :

fifth. :

The meeting

So you're the President Laura Roslin, mucho gusto; Admiral John Kenig at your service.

Laura looked at this man. I could not deny that he was quite handsome. Tall with beautiful blue eyes and a faint scar that crossed part of his cheek that it was not disfigured face, but that gave him a very manly touch his face.

"Good night or day I do not know what time it is," replied Laura. Smiling

Nights .... Kenig said Kenig

John sat next to Laura. Not sure what to expect from this woman. He looked so fragile, so thin. But with a strong and confident gaze. It was quite damaged but beautiful beautiful. No hair, but still retains a seductive smile.

- An oracle I suggested, rather almost ordered me to come. Do you know what is an oracle?

- Yes.

- In our civilization the oracles are quite transcendent. Some of my people determine their actions based on their predictions. My son is quite regular and refers to them often. Oracles itself, we interpret our dreams and predicts future things, situations that can happen, things that alter our existence.


Patmos-The Oracle told me I should look. I'm not sure why but you believe it or not, is my future. It is also said to my son. Still unknown Why and for what? I think it will be more present in my son's future than mine. But I have not yet clarity on the issue. All this is to me an enigma ..

- managed to save the ship. Saved all of us in it. Although in my case ...... "That says

Madam President. I saved the ship's true. But what is a ship without its people? -

Laura smiled. He did not feel bad, just a little tired.

"Well. Enough talk. You must have patience and faith, Laura, and although everything seems strange is happening, you must have faith. I will now speak with Admiral and I will agree with him to help them find their people. Do you agree?

Laura just smiled. Up to this point was not expecting anything. Had lost faith long ago. He had done at night when in bed hugging Bill watched him sleep and felt a great sadness to learn that he was alone.

At the time Laura asked with faith, devotion to the gods to grant him time and could continue sleeping with him. Or a miracle that could restore health. But none of that happened.


"But something intrigued Laura. What did they want these soldiers? Why were they in the ship?

Bill Adama from further away watching the scene. In what had appeared lost corner this man? Why indeed was here? Laura

And after a long time looked more radiant. It was his idea or no longer had the yellow color of the last few weeks. Unlike now seemed more full of color and life.

Life. Only that needed to Laura ... and it seems that the gods had begun to grant it.

From a distance a young man looking at all. Smiling, just watched and thought to himself: The Twelve Tribes of Cobol go ... Galactic

John Kenig said goodbye warmly of the young lieutenant before boarding the ship that would take him back their spacecraft. The mission of the young Kenig would now remain in Galactic and wait for your ship. Had already determined to make a deal if everyone on the ship they accepted. While Adama took measurements and military, in this case the decision would take it all. The soldiers would lead to two small but beautiful planet, away from the path of war.

Admiral Kenig and his army knew too many corners inhabited and uninhabited planets. In the east, across the universe and others to make choices. Had shown the path Adama and Tigh and planets. Near each other and also uninhabited. Excellent to start a new life.

colonial For their part, Bill and people would give him the whole break system engineers Galactic newcomers. Technologically, all the ships of the revolutionaries were higher than Bill and Saul knew, but they, did not have this system. That was the price to bring it to a habitable planet.

Without this system and Galactic jump so damaged they could not travel to find the fleet and would have to await the arrival of a larger vessel to begin repairs on the ship and once completed, could travel at high speed in meeting. At least now available to coordinate the location of the fleet.

Adama thought that in recent days things have changed dramatically. A new breed, new races, new civilizations with their own star systems, civilizations developed and war. Adding now a civil war.

Bill Kenig said goodbye. I appreciated not only by the ship, food or hope of a future for its people. Appreciated more than anything for Laura. Kenig, understood and gave him a big hug.

Once the ship left, Michael Kenig suggested a meeting with everyone to make known what was happening.

then addressed the meeting room. Meeting

found in a room Galactic meeting survivors. Those who would die in the fight against Cavil, Saul, Ellen, Starbuck, the two soldiers of the command room that had determined to stay to finish his admiral, and the soldier who had replaced Anderson after his death Jaffe. They were joined by Athena, Hera Agathon and small.

the other hand, the two young officers. Michael Kenig and Benjamin Patterson, Bill Adama and several soldiers.

- Well this is the case, concluded Adama. What you decide? Are we following the fleet and accept this offer?

After a brief stunned silence: Agathon said, - Admiral, why we question? It would be easier to just give the order.

-No. In this case I want to be sure of your decision. Knowing that they agree or disagree because on the basis that, when we find the fleet, explain what happened.

Every one looked, Humans and Cylons.

"Well it's clear Saul said, Let our people. And we go to that planet. According to our new partners is ideal to start a new life.

The others nodded.

"I have a question Kara said," for officers.

Everyone stared.

"I want to tell me, why its soldiers are all the same, identical?; Adama notes are all the same.

Adama looked at the soldiers. We really are identical. Then looked to the officials.

Everyone else followed suit.

- They are not robots or androids, if they think. The androids are banned for centuries, said Michael. You see, the Third Earth humans are a people who do not have a large number of representatives in Congress or Senate interplanetary, but are the most strength and power behind them. These legal representatives filed an initiative banning the use of androids use for any type of activity either domestic, work and above all military.

"War is partly why. War civil ...... Admiral we are fighting for centuries against Anu. This race inhabits the northern end of the line of our quadrant. Dominant group or several races, are overtly aggressive and very good warriors. However, it was not possible to deal with them, have consistently refused to parley terms, do not mind any race or type of life, just come like locusts and destroy all living things.

"In this war all our federation is united. We are all aligned, it is survival. They do have androids for use. Some fairly advanced.

- But the whole Federation race of androids available for use or as allies simply have prohibited from entering our quadrant .-

.- The inhabitants of Third Earth for years have opposed an amendment to accept these races, do not accept robots. Just ordered their destruction ensure that they are androids.

- as androids are banned centuries ago from replicating or human clones are created for military use.

- Fascinating, "said Kara.

.- The replicants are sought, bought and used for military service. So we have more soldiers -

- Years ago something happened. General Taylor was the first to oppose the type of regime that the Federation was established. He uprising began, which continues the Admiral Kenig.

"When he was killed was believed that the uprising was over, but instead just beginning.

Kenig The admiral found that General Taylor had sent thousands of troops prepare for all the lifting.

- And with the rejection of two senators, and their respective planets did not accept the conditions under which the war unfolded, especially social and economic conditions that the war kept on all the planets of the Federation, began survey.

"Our replicants are with the same characteristics as those of the Federation but completely under the orders of our officers.

- How to create these soldiers? Adam said

-are sent and are designed to make genetically identical features on a planet that is dedicated only to this type of business. It has been done for centuries just that the manufacture is reserved to the Federal Army can not order its civilian clothing or private.

- We can not take you to the Territory Galactic Federation and its associated planets. If they find that they have as partners androids would be immediately destroyed.

- would be the object of hatred more amazing about this part of the universe - said Benji, for establishing an alliance with a race as the Cylons.

- also would be treated as pariahs for having lost the war and not fighting against the Cylons in a top-

"Whoever said do not fight Adama said.

- But they are in this sector, or lost the war but would be in his universe .... Is not it true? Said Michael
Michael and Benji looked. Many things had already exposed the colonial.

All were silent for a moment. Adama looked at his people and then the young officers.

"Well, is not nothing but Mr. Kenig said. We'll go with you to those planets that his Admiral offered and tempt us back to our destination .-

continued ...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Annealing Temperature Calculation Wikipedia


Author: " [info] seagull08 "

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin

Spoilers: Season 4

Timeline: Just before Day Break I / Alternate ending :

fourth. :

the meeting.

In the CIC.

- Good friends, new orders, quarantine was over, they can leave. Do not take away the weapons and shut them up. His admiral and gave his word that we would have no problems. Our Admiral is up and will meet with you, my men are insuring your ship, so we will see that we are not disarmament at these times. My engineers will go to the engine room to see its structure and composition, in fact, are already working on it. Why

said Saul?

Heeeee ...... Why

want to see our machine room? Benji

Saul looked at not knowing whether or not to give a response.

- Our Admiral wants something from you, "

" So that's the intention from the outset, Saul said, approaching the young lieutenant. Why are you here .-

- not just for that. There are substantive reasons stronger, which will be explained in due time by my superiors, but anyway, can leave .-

The arrival of Admiral

A ship landed in the hangar of Galactic. Several soldiers received. Lt. Michael Kenig and Bill Adama were waiting too.

Long hours had passed since the ship was destroyed Michael Cavil. Adama was process all the information you had in mind. That young lieutenant had given him plenty to think about. A new range of possibilities would have been in his mind. New civilizations. Complete armies. Millions of human beings divided into hundreds of empires. That little girl was then their civilization. What
were isolated in the universe.

And these soldiers that had been halted at the last moment to Cavil, save their ship, and stop not only death but also for all and especially that of Laura, who now slept away from death.

Bill Adama felt a lump in my throat. I did not know why. I just knew that was no longer sad previously felt every time he thought of Laura.

Laura, her Laura.

descended from a military ship. But different badges denoting their high rank. Kenig was Admiral. Michael stepped forward to greet him. A military salute preceded by a warm hug was established between the two men.

"Welcome to my ship Admiral Kenig said Bill Adama .-

-grateful and honored to visit John Kenig said

.- Two civilizations

So that's the story ended Admiral Kenig. The lieutenant stepped forward something, right?

"Pretty. To be honest I can not believe what happened in this last time. "Everything that has happened .-

Bill Adama had lost the will to speak. He felt very tired. Took about 20 hours without sleep. And now listen to this man. This soldier who had come from across the universe to say he had a myriad of races, planets and cultures.

How wrong were the gods. Or whatever. The tribe was a Cylon 13. The tiny planet Earth was destroyed. Its crew had mutinied. Gaeta and Zarek were dead. The full Quorum had been annihilated and destroyed. Lee was president. Saul a Cylon. Starbuck ...... Nobody knew what it was Starbuck, but he continued to be his daughter. Nothing was sense. And your ship falling apart. And Laura, who had struggled to find land, dying and now alive again. And all because? For these people who came from across the universe to say it was all a big waste of time. And all the dead, all who fell fighting, trying to survive. Adama felt that nothing made sense now, watching this officer continued to speak.

- Admiral hear me? -

"If you hear .-

" I'd like to know your president. My son ...... Kenig Lieutenant who was known, much talk about it, and was very concerned about his health.

Adama rose .- Accompanied him.

Thanks. Not trouble. I promise .-

Bill looked seriously.

Board of Nursing

Laura awoke from his slumber. It felt good. Tired but good. At the stretching realized something. I no longer had pain in his bones. Neither felt pains in his chest and the cough that invaded in recent weeks.

Something happened to his body.

looked around and noticed the silence that pervaded everything. I try to get up, suddenly a woman entered the room.

"Do not do that, you should not get.

- Who are you? -

"Dr. Harlan, I am monitoring his condition .-

- Where is the Admiral ... .. and others? -

"They're all good. His admiral must be met with mine, come at a later time to visit .-

- I feel better.

- Okay Laura Roslin, is and will be healthy for a long time .-

- What do you say? -

Laura looked carefully to Dr.

- His disease was stopped. We did a complete scan of your entire system. Included a sweep through your lymphatic system, your immune system, and well, remove all the cancer .-

Laura looked to be only woman to speak. Do not know whether to laugh or mourn. Do not think of anything. I did not understand if what happened was a dream, a vision or just a hallucination. No, could not be. Was happening. Everything was illogical in this universe. Until a few days, she died a few hours and now she said she would live. I was alive. Sana.

thought he was the victim of a drug or hallucinogen. But sitting still looking at this young woman talk.

What about cancer? Is the cancer, which had undermined its body? Now she said she would live. And I could see the land. So what happened to the prophecy of Pythia? That damn prophecy. Laura

he was far away. On New Caprica, with Bill sitting drinking and chatting, laughing and smiling, like two teenagers, feeling the sun on your face.

Where were now all those who knew and who died? Where are they gone? Elosha. Billy, the young soldier Jaffe, who died giving his life for Bill. Who always smiled when Bill came to her room at night, opening the door knowing it was Laura who went into that room and not the president.

- Who are you? -

- and I told him I am his personal doctor-

Laura watched the woman, her uniform was not known -

- Where are you? -

"Well that story is a bit long, we'll talk about that, so soon to rest, you are well-..

Will I live then?

"Yes, ma'am, I will, and for a long time.

continue ......

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yahoo .com Free Boobs Vi

Hanasaki @ 2010-04-11T16: 16:00

Changing the chip is useless, unless if I have the desire or the true desire to do so.
hurts and it feels good to be at his side.
Fuck it all!
is what I feel, is what hurts me is what makes me a unique way.
I want to see.
I want to be happy.
I understand.
am selfish, but while I can follow his side ... I want to stay by his side.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How To Use H2ocean Spray Forbelly Button Piercing

Author: "seagull08"

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Pairing: Adama / Roslin

Spoilers: Season 4

Timeline : Just before Day Break I / Alternate ending :

I return to pick up the story after a period of travel, which had failed to publish anything. Here I continue with the third chapter of this story with an alternate ending :

The Oracle of Patmos.

"Our civilization every so often refers to the oracles. They always give us guidelines for our present and future .-

- Is your civilization? Who are you? -. Asked Bill. Michael

watched and smiled.

"Our history is very long. ...... When our Admiral Admiral arrives can give more background, for now, continue with the history of our oracle and the president .-

"As I said. Our oracles are throughout our universe are consulted and give us information. Months ago when I consulted the Oracle of Patmos told me about a dying leader who led his people to Earth. Personally I do not understand anything. Who was this leader?, "To Earth? -

"We're at war, long ago, about 50 years. Against our natural enemies and joined the Emus that we are now engaged in a civil war. Our troops revolted against the Senate. Several planets have joined the rebellion, some general, civilizations, complete armies. -

"I thought the Oracle told me about a planet that had joined the insurrection and its leader wanted to get the so-called, Third Planet Earth, but it was all very confusing. Which of all the land?, Because in this quadrant of the universe there are several. The Oracle told me I should find that leader because she would have the keys to finding ways to build the new order of the New Republic .-

Adama only listened

"I told the Admiral and I could not believe it. The oracle had informed the same to him. That in our civilization and our beliefs is impossible. Our oracles never say the same for two people and he told the same thing. The few times this has happened in the universe has brought strange consequences for the balance of various civilizations. It was then we realized the severity and understood that we should look to this leader .-

his Admiral Why? Adama asked.

do not know ...... Is it because our Admiral is now leader of the entire revolution?. But we did not know where to start. Until our soldiers found the Cylon, D 'Anna, Do you remember? She was the key to give you information about who they are, and history of both races, with the coordinates of your location.

24 hours before

Laura awoke to the noise and sudden movements of the ship. Galactic knew that he held his final battle. A few days ago both Bill and Lee, with the consent of the Quorum, had determined that only the spacecraft fight. Cavil had appeared close to them in a giant ship ..... A charge its own, as he said.

And Bill stated that the spacecraft would stay to fight, and within it could keep those who would make his last effort and finally dying inside. Lee, shocked objected, knowing that his father would one of those who remain in Galactic.

The ship, which was deteriorating more each day, had been evacuated days earlier. Adama had taken the decision to see his apparent deterioration and its inability to make a final settlement. This determination was communicated to the president.

only that things had changed with the emergence of Cavil. With few weapons and few soldiers, even counting his allies could not fight Cylon, Cavil's ship also tripled in size to Galactic.

object was a suicide and sacrifice all the soldiers. Should take a decision now.

And Bill Adama took it.

Galactic It would be to exploit with its atomic arsenal complete with some of the Cylon ship's weapons against Calvin ship.

When Adama explained that he would stay on the ship, both Lee and Kara and Saul responded, would not let him do that.

"I feel the decision is made .... Look for a planet. Earth if possible, I stay here, we must end this story once and for all.

"Dad ... are crazy ... do not leave the ship alone, Lee said, almost shouting.

Saul and Kara nodded.

"Sorry. Insist .-

- Why you want to die said Lee ?-....

- Why? ... Adama said ...... I think I told you once .... Lee I can not live without it. I will not continue in this pursuit without Laura.

Everyone in the room held a minute's silence was broken by Saul Tight ...

"Well I'm an old man. We have spent too much together. Sorry if you oppose, but I'm here. You will need staff to handle this child, Bill .-

All present turned to look.

"You have to do this, Saul .-
" But I want to, "

" I'm Kara-
- We do not allow .-

Adama said "Well have to tie me to stop. I'm sorry but need more than one person for this, besides, he lost to Sam, and I have lost it. Not even know if I'm alive, and the same about you, but do not say ..... I'm .-

A frozen silence returned to the room.

"Mr. Hoshi, up to you now. Will the new Admiral, it may be the fastest rise in history said Bill and removed the insignia of an admiral to give to Hoshi .-

"Well I -.....

"You all can do, is trained. As for you Lee. You must guide the people now. Take them somewhere where there's sun and a lot of vegetation, looking for a shared future, said Adama, embracing his son .-


Ellen was silent when Saul told him of his decision. Something was expected of him. Never had minimized the love, friendship and loyalty to Bill Saul.

_Vete now ... Saul said .... The ships are evacuating the last people-

"And leave you here, you'd have to be crazy, have too many things survived. I stay with you Saul .- .-


"There's nothing more to say .... I'm .-

****************** ************

-Bye Kara said goodbye to Sam Sanders, here I come. We'll meet again somewhere else, I do not know what it is, but we will see you again .... stooping to kiss the mouth of Sanders.

Kara Once away, the hybrid Sander was now only whisper.
"Not yet, not yet ... *******

"I tell Jack that has been more than a doctor, a friend, you know the truth, Cottle said goodbye to Laura.

- I mean that I oppose this stupid Cottle said "No need to finish well .-

- and that otherwise expected to end Laura said, lying in his hospital bed-

"You can travel with us and jump, need not be a hero or martyr president .-

Laura just smiled.

-Jack I am almost dead, so let me at least finish with him .-

Cottle looked at the dying woman and smiled a sad smile.

then I'll see you in another life, I hope that better terms than this, right? Then he took his hands and bent down to kiss the head of Laura farewell .-

************************** in the midst of this battle. Alone in her hospital room. Laura looked and felt the walls that he was going faster than I thought. Bill had promised to come with her, minutes before it was over. I expected it. I wanted to be with him. And end their lives together. Suddenly Laura

heard a laugh. A little laughter, as a small child.

- Who is there? -

Suddenly a boy stood in front of Laura's bed. He was about 10 or 12 years. Laura stood with effort on your bed to watch. The little boy was very blue eyes, big and brown hair. The boy continued staring at her, smiling.

- What are you doing here kid? Who are you? Why are you alone here? ..

The little one looked at her and continued to smile ....

My name is Joshi.

. By the Gods What are you doing here? -

Suddenly an earthquake shook the ship, moved Laura's bed.

-Small, Why are you here? ... Laura said with sadness, crying.

- Little Laura approached very slowly. He said nothing, just smiled, raised his hand and laid it on the head of Laura ...
"Not yet, not yet ....

Laura felt a tremor in his body, an intense fire, a sensation of falling to a large vacuum and then peace. Not enough to say anything, just fell into a deep sleep. ********************

Continue ..